21- Remy

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I'm a goner, somebody catch me breath, I wanna be known by you




I sat in my office tapping my fingers against the wood of my desk. I had taken a beautiful night with a  beautiful girl and turned it bad. The news of Chilino and Nelson made me on the edge of my seat. 

They could be anywhere and I wanted to feel safe with my littles. I did not want them to be subjected to violence. But I did with Celine. I was violent with her. I kept telling myself that. I didn't want her to fear me, but there was no plausible excuse why I had went so hard on her. I had never went that hard on Bailyn, and she was a constant brat. 

I put my hands in my hair and decided to call Ms Lucy. The house phone rings and rings, there was no answer. Usually, Bailyn would answer the phone, but she didn't. I slam my fist against the wood of my desk and look across my office to where Celine would normally be sitting. 

My fists curl up and I press a button on my desk to communicate with Taylor. 

"Yes, Sir?" She asked me.

"Have Xander or Ric called?" I asked her. 

"No sir, there are no messages or any scheduled meetings at this time." 

"Thank you Taylor." 

What was the point of me being at work if I had nothing to do? There was too much going on in my mind for me to completely function. I picked up my phone again to call the house. 

"Hello?" Lucy answered. 

I sigh in relief and sit up in my chair. "Lucy, how is Lina?" 

"I won't be your messenger, boy." She says to me. 

"Lucy, please. Just tell me is she is the least bit okay. I need to know." 

"Bailyn is fine." She says sarcastically and hands up the phone.

I slide my phone back into my picket and I stand up from my desk. 





Ms. Lucy put a bowl of fruit in front of me at the bar. I just shake my head and bite my lip. 

"Would you eat something for me pleasE? You've not ate all day as you usually eat a truckload." She says and laughed a little. 

I wanted to laugh and to eat, but I couldn't. I wanted so badly for Remy to sit with me and talk to me, watch Netflix, snuggle with me; but I feared him right now. I was not new to punishment. Sir would punish me, but we did not exactly have a consensual relationship. 

With Sir, it started out the way Remy and I are. Full of immediate love. I never left my little space, until he started showing signs of abuse. I called and called and called my friends and none of them cared. I called my parents and they disowned me because they did not approve of my choice in men. I was alone with Sir and he treated me like an animal. He got off on my pain and violated my mind and body. 

I know Remy was not like Sir in the slightest, but when Remy made me leave my little space, thats when I knew that was not good for me. I wanted him to adore me and to treat me well. In return I would adore him and give back to him. Rey and I had consensus, but he crossed the line. I felt safe in my little space but I did not feel safe enough to be in it with Remy, currently. 

When the side door in the kitchen opened and he walked in, our eyes locked and my heart beat a little faster. I was happy to see him because I adore him. He meant a lot to me but i had to remember that he crossed a line. We were supposed to come up with a safe word in times like last night, but we had never even discussed it. He was lacking in his Daddy role. He cared more about Bailyn than he did me and that was okay. I just wanted a little bit of him, but not the way he was last night. 

"Celine." He says and walked out of the kitchen. 

I put my head in my hands and sigh. My pain in my skin was not as prominent today because Ms. Lucy helped me this morning with some of her home remedies for pain. I tapped my fingers against my forehead and I stood up on my feet, wincing slightly when my skin stretched. 

"I'm going for a swim." I say. 

"Will you be able to speak to Bailyn? Or would you like me to get her to come back in?" Ms lucy asked me. 

"I'd like to be alone out there." I say and walked towards the stairs to my room.




I sat on the stairs dripping wet and out of breath from doing laps. I put my hands in my hair to wring my hair out. This was the first time I had been to the pool and I was glad to have just alone time away from everybody. 

I stood to my feet and walked towards the deep end. Once I couldn't touch anymore I let my back go towards the water and I began to float. I watched the sky and found animals in the clouds. I closed my eyes and remembered that before sir began to hurt me, we watched the clouds.





I watched her through my bedroom window as she swam. She was so beautiful. I put my head in my hands and heard a knock at my door. 

"Daddy, it's my day to spend time with you." Bailyn said excitedly. 

I scoffed at my door and stood to my feet. I opened my door and blocked her view of my room. 

"Daddy's not been feeling well baby. I would like to have some time to rest and to feel better okay?" I say and wrap my arms around her in a hug. I kiss the top of her head and she stomps off in an attitude. 

Why did you let her just get an attitude? But when Celine got one last night you made her lose it really quick.

I inhaled deeply. I hated that Celine wanted space from me. I hated how she won't talk to me. I opened my door again and I walked down to the kitchen to see Lucy cooking dinner. 

"Lucy, is she okay?" I ask with a plea in my voice.

"I know you've seen how she is Remy. Does she look okay to you? She looks broken to me, like the first time she came here. This time she's out of her normalcy." 

Out of her normalcy? Was Cline out of her little space? She didn't feel safe around me. I put my hands in my hair again and I clenched my teeth. 

"You messed up boy. You better fix it because she is a ray of sunshine. That little thunderstorm you've got up there," She says and pointed towards the stairs, "is nothing but trouble between you and Celine." She said and then she didn't say another word to me. 




FINALLY! Sorry, I had to take a hiatus because college is super stressful and so are relationships :) But all is good now! Hope you enjoy <3 Please Please Please vote and comment <3



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