65- Remy

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Celine was still in my arms and she groaned a few times. The front door was barged shut and I was afraid that the back of the house was filled with smoke. I wanted to jump through glass but I didn't know how many men were outside the house. 

I did it anyway. Without hesitation, I ran to the back of the house where there were tall windows. I didn't see anybody out there so I brought my foot back and kicked the glass as hard as I could. It cracked but it didn't break. I did it again and again until it broke from the force. Glass went everywhere and I turned around so that Celine wouldn't get any glass on her. 

I coughed from the amount of smoke that was filling my lungs. I ducked my head and I walked through the window. Part of the house was in flames and I started running in the opposite direction of where people were standing. 

"He's running!" Someone shouted. 

I heard gun shots and they buzzed passed me and I was running in a zig-zag formation. Celine started to move in my arms and she opened her eyes and she saw me. I kept up my pace and entered a forrest of trees that was a few hundred yards away from the house. 

"Remy?" She said, alert. 

I huffed in response. I couldn't run and talk but I wanted to know that she was safe with me. Even if we were being shot at and we were almost burned alive. After several minutes I didn't hear anybody around me so I stopped and I leaned against a tree. Celine wiggled in my arms and  she pushed against my chest. 

"Put my down." She demanded. 

I obliged and her arms were still bound together. I got my keys out of my pocket and I put the key through the duct tape. I did the same with her legs. She stood up straight and she felt her wrists. Her cheeks were swollen and she looked a mess. Im just glad she was away from them. 

"Thank you." She said. 

She wrapped her arms around herself and she looked around us. "Where are we?" She asked. 

"About a mile away from where you were. They have the place surrounded. Why the fuck would you go to a remote place with a man you barely know?" I snapped. 

"Please don't. I-I don't know." She stuttered. 

"Since we will be here for awhile we may as well hash this out. " I said. 

"Remy, there is nothing more to talk about."

"Celine, did you sleep with him? Kiss him? He was going to hurt you." 

"Im not talking about this." She snapped. 

"What else is there to do, Celine? Do you want us both to die?" I asked. 

"I forgave you, we had sex. What more is there?" 

"Do you miss me at all?" I asked.

She leaned against a tree and she ran her hands through her hair. "Of course I have. When he held a gun to my head, all I could think about was you. I thought about what you would have me do in this situation. It helped me." She said quietly.

"Im sorry that you have had to experience this again."  

"I shouldn't have had to go through a lot of things. Do you know how much anxiety I have? Like every where I go, someone is out to kill me, kidnap me, or try to hurt me? Our relationship has brought me nothing but pain. It isn't supposed to be like that." She said. 

"No, it shouldn't. We could start over. We could move somewhere." I said. 

"Remy, I'm not the same girl I was months ago. I love you and I was happy to be with you. I can't share you. I need all of you or none of you. I don't feel safe with you. Every time I come around you Im in pain and scared. I don't want to live my life in fear."she said. 

"It all stemmed from Gavin and I dragged it on. Im so sorry, Celine. I don't know how I can ever make shit right. I just know that I need to out of here safe and alive and Ill do anything for you. Im so sorry." 

She sat down on the ground and I stayed leaned against the tree. It was silent and we didn't speak anymore. I don't know if I was glad that we talked more or not. She had told me things that I never knew. I didn't know that I had caused her to feel such things. 

I don't know how I could ever get her back to where she was. I know that if I wanted her I had to have only her. The thing is, I don't know if I could be away from Bailyn and Mackenzie again. They were apart of me too. They haven't been through half as much as I put Celine through. Why do I hurt her the most? Is it because I love her the most and I feel the need to hurt her?

I watched her as she drew with her finger in the dirt. Night was approaching and I pushed myself off of the tree. 

"Celine, we need to get moving. I don't want to be out here all night. We need to get somewhere safe. Xander will know how to handle himself. His men I'm sure are on their way here." I said. 

Celine stood to her feet and she walked after me, deeper into the forrest. 



More coming soon ;)

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