42- Remy

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My father and I locked eyes and he stepped into the foyer of my home.

"Reminaldo." He says to me.

"Father, what are you doing here?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm here to help you get out of this mess son." He says.

He walked passed me and into the kitchen. I followed after him and thought of Ric.

"Your brother is safe. Injured but safe."


He opened my cabinets and he found a cup to pour himself a glass of water.

"Nothing but trouble. Monetary compensation won't make him leave. You leaving him has made people mad because you got off clean."

"I wake up at night with nightmares for what I've done. The people I've killed? The guns I've stolen? The drugs I've helped shipped? Why would anybody want to stay in that? I made dirty blood money father." I said slamming on my hands on the counter.

"Son, you broke a lot standing family alliance." He said.

"It killed your wife."

My father twitches and he charged at me, hands wide open coming for my throat. He pinned me against the wall with his forearm in my neck.

"Don't you ever speak of her again."

My father did not want to speak about the real reason he left, the reason I left, or my brother. Chilino had my mother as a hostage and Tortured her until she was dead. He did not want to speak about how I was the one who saw Chilino or Nelson shoot her. How my mother called out for my father and he never came.

I pushed him away from me and I was fuming with anger.

"Get our of my house. I can handle Chilino by myself."

"Ric is at your mothers. As well with your little toy women." He said to me. "It is safe for you to go there. Chilino does not know about that house."

He stood and he left through the side door of the kitchen.




Celine's POV

I was seated on a couch with my sister beside me, Ms Lucy across from me, and Tuson next to her. We sat in silence like we were waiting for some kind of big news. We were waiting for something to happen but none of us would speak about it.

There was a big scary man after all of us and I didn't know how Gavin tied into this, I didn't know what he wanted with me or with my sister or Bailyn. We all talked about Mackenzie and hoped that she was alright. What were we supposed to do other than wait for the inevitable.

Shorty, there was the sound of the door opening. We all froze and in cake Ric. He was limping and he was hurt. I ran up to him and I let him lean on me.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"No, Celine." He snapped and pushed me away from him.

I tripped over my feet and fell to the floor. Tears filled my eyes and I adopted against the wall and I wished that daddy was okay.

"Celine?" Tuson said and came near me. "This phone call is for you."

I held my hand out for his cell and I put it to my ear. "Hello?" I asked.

"Babygirl," his voice said.

"Daddy," i said, crying harder.

"Hi baby, I'll be with you soon. I know you're scared okay? I need you to be strong and wait for me. I have some business to do with Chilino and Gavin. I'll be with you soon." He said.

"No. You don't need to do anything. Please just come where I am and let's leave." I said.

"I wish I could baby. He will follow us. He found me once and he will find me again."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"He is going to die baby." He said to me.

I gasped and about dropped the phone. "You'll go to prison." I snapped. "No!"

"He's got to go down baby. If not so many more people are going to get hurt."

"Let someone else do it. You will not be."

"Baby, Lina, I love you." He hung up.

I screamed and I stood up quickly and I went to my sister. "Where is he! Tell me now." I said.

"Where is who?" She asked.

"Chilino." I snapped and I got into her face.

"He's in a hotel across town."

"What hotel?"

"The Barry." She said.

Ms Lucy looked at me. A single year left my eye. "I have too." I said.

"Just be as careful as you can be. Once you leave here you can't come back." She said.

I nodded and I was fine before I could talk myself out of it.






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