60- Celine**

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Nothing on you when you naked
Except a Cartier bracelet
Silhouette through the shower
Fuck you 24 hours




Over the next few days I was by myself in my sisters apartment. She had went to stay with her boyfriend at his place so I could have some space. My phone was constantly ringing with calls from my mom and Remy. 

I had thought long and hard about him and everything that we had been through. I had thought of the things he had said to me and forgiveness. Forgiving him would mean that I was no longer upset with him but that wasn't the case. 

He had showed me time and time again how unfaithful he was. I should have known at the beginning when there was other girls in the picture that he could never be a faithful man. I should have known that him and Kenzie had such a rich history, I was foolish to think that I could compete with her. 

I was foolish and I thought that I could change him. Men cant change, only if they wish to change. My phone lit up beside me and I reached for it. I pressed the phone to my ear and I answered. 


"Celine.. can we please talk?"

"Come to my sisters. I'll give you the address. There are some things that we need to talk about." 




There was a knock on the door. I huffed loudly and I walked to the sound. I looked at my toes which were painted a fire red. His favorite. My toes matched my mood. I was beyond angry and I wanted him to know how angry I was. 

I opened the door with a scowl on my face. He had a dozen of red roses in his hand. He raised an eyebrow at me. I left the door open and turned my back towards him. The door shut behind him and I could hear his footsteps behind me, following. 

I walked into my room, which had a bathroom in it. He stood in the doorway to my room and he watched me. I turned to face him from the bathroom door, the white robe that I was wearing was beginning to make me hot. 

"I don't really feel like talking today. I want to fuck you. I am so angry and that was always something you did well. I want to use your body to my advantage. If you don't want that then you can leave." I said, untying my robe, letting it fall to the floor. 


I turned away from him and I could hear him mutter filthy words under his breath. He put the roses down on my bed and he followed me into the bathroom. I started the shower and I opened the shower door, stepping inside. The hot water hit my back and I hissed because it was so hot. I could see Remy through the steam, he was pulling his shirt above his head and I could see his sexy body coming closer. 

He stepped into the shower and he closed the door behind him. I leaned against the wall and he moved closer to me. 

"I want to talk." He said as he looked down at me, the water was running down his face. 

I wrapped my arms around his torso, digging my fingers into his skin, pulling him towards me. I looked into his eyes and one of my hands trailed up his back to the nape of his neck. He brought his mouth down to mine and our lips embraced into a fiery passion. 

I was so heated that I tried to get closer and closer to him. It had been so long since I had been touched or kissed that I could have melted right then and there. I curled my knuckles into his unruly hair as I was running my other hand down the middle of his back. My hand went around the curve of his ass and I gripped it, pulling his privates toward mine. 

I did not want to waste anymore time. I pulled away from his lips and his mouth latched onto my neck. My neck tilted back and his one of his hands trailed down my torso to my heat. He slipped a finger inside me and I gasped into his ear. My breathing was shallow as he began to pump me with his hand.  

His kisses traced the bones that showed through my skin, my clavicle and my shoulder. He knelt down and his head went lower, placing more kisses down my body. His tongue swept into my belly button and across my lower stomach before his skilled tongue lapped against my slit. 

I threw my head back as my body started to grind against his tongue as his fingers moved inside of me. I could feel myself spread as he nudged my legs apart with his other hand. He slid another finger inside of me and I couldn't contain the pleasure that was running through my body. Moans escaped my throat and I could hear him humming against me. 

He stood up straight, pinning my arms above my head and his mouth attacked mine. Our tongues moved in sync, tracing one another, feeling and tasting each other. I could taste myself on his mouth and it turned me on even more. He picked up one of my legs and with his other hand, I could feel him lining himself up at my entrance. 

His eyes were open and looking into mine. The water was running on his back and he had droplets in his eyelashes. His longer hair was so sexy when it was drenched and stuck to his neck. I bit my bottom lip and I nodded my head, letting him know that I wanted this. He rubbed my clit as he entered me. He entered slowly as he let my body get used to his girth. 

I kissed across my cheek and down my jaw to latch his lips below my ear. He began to suck, surly to mark his territory. I didn't care. I used the leg that was hiked up to pull him inside me fully, hitting my G spot. He looked at me and his mouth was shaped in an O. I could feel myself twitching around him as we both began to move against one another. 

His thrusts were hard and firm. The slapping of our skin echoed against the walls in the bathroom. His moans filled my ears and our breath was mixed into one another. His pace remained the same and there were a few times he almost lost his footing because it was slippery. I put both of my feet on the ground and faced the wall so it was easier for him to take me. 

He pinned my head against the wall limiting my movement. I backed myself against his length as I felt his hands grip my skin, sure to leave a bruise tomorrow. He began to thrust inside me again, quickly.

"Im about to cum." he whispered. 

He slid out of me and I turned around quickly, reaching between us. I gripped his cock in my hands and I jerked him as fast as my hand would go. His knees were bent, his head tilted back, and his eyes were closed tightly. A small groan escaped his mouth and he filled my hand, his load blending into the water. 

I took my hand away and he stood to his full height. I grabbed my loofa and I put body wash on it, washing my body. 




"Can we talk about what just happened?" He asked me. 

We were sitting on the balcony and looking out to the city lights. My arms were wrapped around my knees as I looked at him. 

"Why do we have to ruin it?" I asked. 

"Celine, I am so sorry." He said. 

"As you have mentioned. I don't feel like talking. I wanted to be fucked, you fulfilled your purpose. You're lucky I let you even out here."

"Can you please forgive me?" 

"Sure, Remy. You can have your forgiveness." I said. 

I wasn't sure if I really meant that. I couldn't do anything to change the past, I could only do things to try and change the future. I didn't know where to go from here with him. 





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