11- Remy

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Up top!!! ^^^^ Remy in the white pants!  Xander to the right, Ric to the left!!!  and Xander's two men! At the top *heart eyes* cause im on a desktop!! Dont forget to vote and comment please!




I wrapped my arms around her so tightly and she just cried. Celine was very emotional anyway, but her continuous sobs and lack of breath in her lungs terrified me. I couldn't help her but wondered if I had heard her right when she said "Sir came".

My heart was beating erratically as I shut the door behind us and I led us to my bed. Usually, I wouldn't want my baby girl in my bed that often because I loved to sprawl, but seeing Celine like this was hurting me. 

"Shh, baby girl. What do you mean sir came?" I ask her and rub her neck and kiss her head. 

She just unleashed more tears and gripped onto me tighter. One arm was clutched around Ellie the Elephant and her other hand was clenching at her heart. I pulled away from her a bit and noticed that her shirt was ruffled. I slid away her dress and noticed that there were bruises all over her chest. 

"Celine." I said and my voice breaking. I pulled her off of my lap and covered her up where I normally sleep. 

"Just close your eyes and imagine daddy is right beside you. It seems like daddy needs to go pay a visit to someone. Sleep tight little one. When daddy gets back he will take away all of that pain you're feeling." I said, struggling to keep my calm. 

I walk out of my room and knock on both Bailyn and Mackenzie's door. They both come out with sleep in their eyes and clutching onto their stuffies. 

"Hi my loves, please go sleep in daddy's bed and snuggle with Celine. No questions please. I will explain later. For now, come gice daddy a hug and kiss, and then back to bed you go." I said and opened my arms. 

They both don't hesitate to come run for any affection. Mackenzie hugs me tight and then Bailyn. I kiss them both firmly and point to my room. I walk down the stairs and grab my keys, heading towards the front door. I slid my phone from my pocket and dialed my good friends number. 

"What can I do you for Remy?" Xander says 

"I need you to come over to my place and bring your boys. I need to teach a m.other. Fu.*ker a lesson." 

I head him chuckle on the other side of the line. "What happened?"

"All will be explained. I'mm about to call my brother. Please be here in 20 minutes. I have work in the morning." I say and hang up. 




A knock sounds at my door. I stand from the small lounge chair in the entry way. I stand with quickness and yank the heavy door back. Xander is standing there with two of his men. I smile at him and offer him to come inside. 

"Thank you my good friend for coming on such short notice." I say and give him a hug. 

"I owe you my life Rem." He says, smiling at me slightly. 

I just nod and lead them to the back of my home, which is off limits to my baby girls. I tap a code on a touch pad against a wall, which opened a door. I let the men and Xander walk in before me. Before I take a seat at the head of the table, I look at my brother. Ricardo. He just nods at me. 

"Thank you all for coming. I just need to get this done within the next hour or so. I need to be back here to comfort my crying girl."

"Which one?" One of Xander'e men jokes. 

I narrow my eyes at him and Xander shakes his head. "I am not in the mood for any of your jokes. If you are loyal to Xander then you are loyal to me. Understand?" I snap at the man. 

"As I was saying, Celine's old relationship is coming back to haunt her. I will just cut to it." I say, moving my tie to bring the correct words to my mouth. 

Ric and Xander already knew my way of life but the rest didn't know fully. "Celine, one of my littles, her old 'master' per say has broken into my home and messed with my girl. He left bruises on her and I just won't be having any of that. So tonight, gentlemen, I would ask of you to help me destroy this man. No human killing please, we don't need anymore of that on our record." 

"Xander, Ric and I will be finding the son-of-a-b.itch and teaching him what its like to mess with a Delgado. The rest of you, please cease and break down his men. Break anything in sight. Just no killing. I will have a hard time covering this up if there is any death." I spit, and begin to walk out of the room. 




 AHHHHHHHHHH drama is about to go downnnnn! How dare sir just break in! I hope you didn't think Rem was going to let this happen ;)

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