62- Celine

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As the hours went by we got closer to Fremont, where Adrian was taking me. A the car stopped, he unbuckled and he turned to me and he smiled at me. He explained to me that this was a place that his family had for years and he asked them to have it for the weekend and they obliged. 

He got our bags and he brought them in in a few minutes while he left me to explore the house. The weather was different because we were more north than I had ever been in California. I know there were a few rooms down a hallway and I was sure that I was going to have my own because I was unsure I wanted to spend a night with him in a bed. I didnt want him to get the wrong idea. 

He leaned on the door frame of the room I was in and he held out a hand for me to grab. He led us outside to the backyard where there was a pool with a fountain. The pool was small but it looked functional. He told me that I could go swimming whenever I wanted, but there would be a pool man that came once a day to clean out the pool. 

"How about we go in now?" I asked him. 

"I have to find a suit." He said. 

I gripped his hand tighter, pulling him toward me. It was dark and the pool had no lights. "We could just go nude."

He raised an eyebrow and he gripped the bottom of his shirt, slowly bringing it over his head. I never noticed but he had a tattoo on his pectoral muscle and I couldnt help but bite my bottom lip hard. 

He and Remy could not be compared but man was Adrian giving Remy a run for his money. The clothing that I had on was instantly removed and i stood naked in front of him. He gave me his smirk and he chased me and I ran into the pool. 





Celine hadn't got in contact with me. She hadnt said a word about what we did. She used me for my body and she hasn't talked to me since. I was sitting in my hotel room and Xander was next to me playing his Play Station with strangers. I ruined the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

I had sent her countless messages and it took everything in me to not reach out to her. Xander had to hold me back a few times from leaving and he told me I should give her time. Where were we supposed to go from here? She forgave me, but did that mean that she wanted to reconcile and get back together?

I know that I hurt her but it has been enough time. She should be an adult and talk to me about this more than she has already. 

I put my phone to my ear and the ringing stops a few seconds later with her voicemail. 

"Remy, just let her be. She will talk to you if she wants. You have other girls that are waiting across the country for you. Call them." Xander suggested. 

"Thanks. I just dont know where to go from here. We had sex and it was amazing but shes not herself anymore. I dont even know her." 

"You destroyed her, Rem. She went through hell for you. Literally and you hurt her. What did you think was going to happen?"

"Maybe ill call Lucy and Tuson. Maybe she reached out to them."

"Doubt it." Xander said. 





Adrian and I were curled up on the couch watching a short netflix film. He had his arm wrapped around me and my eyes were getting tired. He would kiss the top of my head and he would tell me that a good part was coming on. 

"Celine? Your phone is ringing." Adrian said, rubbing his hand on my shoulder. 

I snuggled into him further and I told him to answer it. I could vaguely hear his voice. His heart started beating faster and then he gently sat up and he looked down at me. 

"Celine here." He said, standing up and leaving the room. 

"Hello?" I whispered. 

"Celine. You fuck me and then you on vacation with a queer? Where the fuck are you?" Remy snaps on the other side. 

"Remy. I don't want to talk."

"I do, Lina. Please talk to me. Why wont you talk to me?"

I hung up and I wrapped the blanket around myself and I walked toward the kitchen to where Adrian was. His shoulders were tense and he was making popcorn. I stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso, placing my head in the middle of his back. 

"Please don't let him ruin this vacation." 

"It bothers me that you two still talk." Adrian said. 

"I haven't talked to him in awhile. I owed it to myself to talk to him about everything. After that I haven't spoken to him, apart from today." 

Adrian turned around and he pulled me to his chest, moving my hair from my face. "Im falling for you Celine. I just dont want to get hurt. I have been hurt by a fair share of women."

He leaned down and our lips met, moving together in a fury. He lifted me, dropping the blanket that was wrapped around me to the floor, and he walked down the hall. He was so caring and so sweet. He was nothing like Remy. 

I didnt know what that meant. Was this good or bad?

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