64- Celine

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My screams stopped as Adrian cocked the gun and pointed it directly at my face.

"The game is Russian Roulette. The rules are simple. There is one bullet. You tell me when and I shoot. If the bullet comes out.. well you die. If not, you live. Sound fun? Easy enough?" He said with a menacing smile on his lips.

I didn't think it was possible for me to panic anymore. I felt almost nothing as he stared at me. I heard a click and I flinched.

"That's too bad, Celine. You get to live."




I  was seated in the booth waiting for him to show. I got a message from an unknown number that told me to meet here or Celine would die. I didn't want to believe it but it would be incredibly stupid for me to ignore such a threat. I thought we were done with all of the bullshit but I guess we weren't.

The door to the restaurant opened and the bell chimed. I looked up and saw a familiar face I wanted to pound in. Gavin walked towards me and he had a smug smirk on his face. He reached into his pocket before he sat down.

He turned the camera towards me and it was a face time call. On the screen was Celine with a cloth between her mouth and swollen cheeks. Her hair was all over the place and there was a man behind her that was holding a gun to her head.

When she saw me she began to cry more and she tried to speak. My fingernails dug into my palm and I stood up in a fury.


"Easy, Remy. You don't want to draw a scene."

"How the fuck did you get away from the cops? Where did you go? Where is she?!"

He laughed and he shoved the phone away in his pocket.

"She's in safe hands. I was lucky that you are in California with us."

"What do you want with her?"

"Oh, the million dollar question." Gavin said.

"You took her from me. You see, I'm creating balance within the universe. You took her from me and put her through hell, it's only time for me to return the favor."

"What do you want?"

He ran his tongue across his teeth and he smirked at me again. "I want her right c.unt wrapped around me. I want to hear her scream out for you while I'm fucking her."

That was it. I stood up and I lunges over the table, my hands around his neck. He was laughing. This fucking but job was laughing. I held him down and there were people all around us shouting.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled before I brought my fist back and collided it with his face.

"One... c-call from me and she's d-dead." He managed to get out.

I tightened my grip and before I could do anything else, I was pulled off of him.

"Rem, we were able to trace the signal of the call. Let's get out of here before you get arrested." Xander said to me.

I stood straight up and kicked him. Hard. He groaned and he laughed again.

Xander swerved in and out of traffic. I told him time and time again to drive faster. When we pulled up to a house I thought I was in a trance. She was so close. Before the car parked I was out and running up to the door.

Xander was yelling after me, telling me to wait for backup. I ignored him and I slammed the door open. This seemed to easy and I didn't care. It was too quiet in here but I followed the hallway down to a room. As I opened the door, there she was.

Laying on the bed, unconscious. She was on her stomach and her hands were tied behind her in ropes, as well as her ankles. I hurried towards her and I grabbed her in my arms. I ran toward the front entrance but when I got to the front, Xander was knocked out cold.

Panic set in and I gripped onto Celine tighter. The House was silent and I could find no signs of anyone else in here.

"Did you think it would be so easy, Remy?" Someone from outside said through a microphone.

"The whole place is surrounded. We have Xander. There is no running this time."

That was the last thing I heard before I started to smell smoke.




I'm sorry. I'm becoming so unmotivated to write lately. I have horrible writers block and it's hard. I'm trying to push through.

Xoxo M

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