54- Celine

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I thought that the car was going to take us back to the temporary house we were staying in; I was so wrong. We pulled up into the mansion's drive. Tears filled in my eyes and I could see Daddy standing in the door way.

I rushed out of the car, pushing passed everybody, running towards him. He had a big smile on his face and he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned back, and I kissed his lips, not caring who saw.

All I cared about was him not being dead and him being away from the police station. He let go of me and he kissed the side of my head.

"Let me go say hello to Kenzie. Then you and I will have some alone time okay baby?" He pecked my lips once more before he started walking away.

I watched his back walk away from me. Part of me understood but the other part was mad at him for walking away from me. Lucy and Tuson walked up the long path to the door and I turned, seeing Xander come out.

I squealed with excitement and I ran toward him, entering the house.

"XANDER!" I yelled, jumping in his arms.

He laughed, wincing in pain. "I'm sorry. I've been worried sick! How are you? Are you okay?"

"I will be, thank you for your kindness, Celine." He said.

He seemed different, a changed man. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

We all were seated around the dining room table and Ms Lucy was serving us all food. It felt like old times, we were all seated around just laughing and talking.

Mackenzie was the topic of the night. She told us all about her court date and the custody battle to win her daughter. She won. She told us about Delaware and how different it was. Next, she told us that she never wanted to leave and that she was going to talk to Remy privately about that.

I felt like she was going to come in and ruin everything that I had spent so long trying to fix. Bailyn was silent. I was silent. Remy and Xander were talking to us about Ric's funeral. We would be having a small memorial for him tomorrow and he was going to be cremated and spread across the Brooklyn Bridge.

As the night progressed, I felt insecure and I wanted to just have alone time with Daddy. I know that I probably wasn't going to get that. I just wanted things to get back to where they were, when we were happy, and when we were on vacation just the two of us.

Instead, we talked about everything that had happened over the past few months Kenzie had been gone. We explained that Bailyn was sent away and that Remy and I had emerged as couple, we lost a baby.

There had been chaos and we almost died. Cassandra never spoke, but I introduced Kenzie to her. When Gavin came up, we weren't sure what even happened to him. I didn't care. I was safe, we were all safe, and I wasn't sure where we went from here.

When it was time for bed, I asked Kenzie if I could sleep with Maya while she went to talk to daddy. She told me yes. Anything to get out of talking to Bailyn would be good.

As we were in my room, playing with toys, Cassandra smiled for the first time in a while. She loved kids and I was glad that she was showing some kind of emotion.

"Celine?" She asked me.

I looked toward her as Maya and her were making the ponies run on the floor. "Yes, Cass?"

"I think I need to go see mom and dad. What do you think? Will you go to California with me?" She asked me.

"Cass, there is so much going on. Can we let it die down a bit?"

"Of course. I just need to get away from New York."





Kenzie and I were seated around the pool with our feet in the water. She was kicking her feet in the water and I know there was so many things that we needed to talk about but I didn't know how to.

"Maya is beautiful, Mackenzie." I said to her.

"Thank you. She is amazing." She smiled.

"So, you and Celine? Pretty serious huh?" Kenzie asked.

"Yeah. After you left it was just the three of us and I couldn't connect with Bailyn anymore. I sent her away and It was her and I. We connected, and I fell for her. We had a child, Mack."

"I'm sorry about that. I cant imagine what that must have been like."

"It was difficult. I had to be there for her. I never fully got to grieve. Then Ric. God Ric." I said, on the verge of tears.

Mackenzie wrapped an arm around my shoulder and she leaned her head on my shoulder. "I know you loved him."

"That was my brother. My flesh and blood. Of course, I did. I don't know how all of this happened. It's over but I miss him."

"You would be heartless if you didn't miss him. I know you're not heartless."

"Lina has tried so hard to be strong for the both of us, but I need to grieve my brother. I need things to be normal. That's what I told her. I need to just get back to the routine."

"You need to face your feelings." She said to me, smiling sadly.

The moon reflected off of her face. It had been so long since I had seen her beautiful face. I missed her. I don't know what it was. I don't know if it was the magnitude of my emotions or if it was because she left, and I didn't want her too...

But I leaned towards her with my hand bringing her face towards mine. I leaned my forehead against hers and I place my lips against hers.

She gasped, and she kissed me back momentarily, before pushing me away. She bit her bottom lip and she kept out foreheads touching.

"Remy," She started.

I kissed her again. I needed to feel something other than grief.




so a lot happened in this! But!!!! Alas an update! Let me know your thoughts 

xoxo M

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