5- Remy

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I walk down the stairs to the aroma of bacon. I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen, finding my house maiden cooking. Lucy was at the stove and she has lightly humming a melody. I lean against the island and I tap my fingers together. 

"I see that you brought another girl home. I went up to her room today to collect some linens and all she was doing was balling her eyes out. What did you do to her already, Remy?" 

I sigh and shake my head trying to ignore her questions. Lucy, for her own good was much too nosey. I walk near her plate of bacon that is sitting on the counter and sneak a piece of bacon and shove it into my mouth. 

"For someone who likes to be in charge you are much too childish my boy." She tells me and chuckles. 

I laugh and then begin to hear footsteps from above our heads. "Have you seen Mackenzie this morning?" I ask Lucy. 

"She was out by the pool. I think she went for her morning swim." Lucy tells me. 

I nod and then see Bailyn rubbing her eyes and walking towards me. I open my arms and look at her sleepy, pouty face. I rub her back and then she pulls away from me. 

"Good morning, Sweet Pea." I tell her. 

"Good morning, Daddy." She tells me and then she jumps up on the barstool, swinging her feet. 

The sliding glass door to the kitchen opens and Bailyn and I turn my head to see Mackenzie walking in with water dripping from her body. Mackenzie was very attractive with her long brown hair and her dark pigmented skin. I couldn't help but bite my lip. 

Mackenzie was more than just my baby girl. She was so beautiful and more than most of the time, she was in her adult space. The only time she ever went in her little space was when she was hurting or it came at random times. I did not mind one bit. 

Mackenzie was so beautiful and she was my first baby girl that I had ever had. She winks an eye at me and walks passed me, rubbing Bailyn's arm and towards the stairs. I turn my head to see her cute little ass moving and also notice that Celine was coming down the stairs. 

I smile at her innocence and notice her clutching her arms around her body. Bailyn's eyes bulge out of her head and she hops down from the stool she was on and she runs up to me, holding onto my arm. I pull away from her grasp and I walk to Celine. 

"Daddy! NO!" Bailyn hisses, walking towards me. 

"Bailyn. Go sit back down." I snap at her. 

She crossed her arms and she marches back to the stool. Celine is biting her bottom lip and is looking at me with wide eyes. She shales her head and foes to to to run back to her room, but I grasp her hand. 

I pull her body close to mine and I wrap my arms around her body. "Come. Lets eat." I pull her behind me and I ask her sit down next to Bailyn.

Bailyn turns her back towards Celine and glares at me. Mackenzie comes down the stairs and is dresses in clothes. She sits down on the stool next to Celine. 

"Good morning, Daddy." She says to me. 

"Good morning, my love." I smile at her. 

Celine looks over to Mackenzie and she starts to shake. 

"Okay, thank you my baby girl's for coming down this morning. Celine is going to be my newest baby girl. Bailyn, you better lose that attitude before Daddy spanks it out of you." I say, glaring at her. 

"Sorry, Daddy." She says, looking down.

"Where did she come from?" Mackenzie asks me. 

"A job interview. She is very timid because her last hime was not great. You two girls will respect her. You will include her when you all play and you will not be rude to her. Bailyn." I say, looking at her. 

Celine turns to look at Bailyn and Celine pushes her hair from her face. All of my baby girls in one place was almost too much. They were all very beautiful and pulled at my heart. I would have to dictate time for each of them. Bailyn would be especially mad but I would have to give Celine most of my time because she is too timid and it hurts me. 

"Mackenzie, tell Celine the rules. I am going to make you girls a plate of food." I say.

"Rule 1: you must never raise your voice, or you will be punished accordingly.

Rule 2: you must never roll your eyes 

Rule 3: never slam doors 

Rule 4: always call him daddy. Only in public can you call him Remy

Rule 5: you must never ever tell daddy you don't like him 

Rule 6: ask before you touch your princess parts 

Rule 7: always be nice and play with the others 

Rule 8: 2 days a week are for you and daddy. the other days you will be playing 

Rule 9: when in public, you must always hold Daddy's hand 

Rule 10: you and daddy will establish a safe word just for you both 

Rule 11: Always do what Daddy says 

Rule 12: daddy loves you and does everything with you in mind, no questions 

Rule 13: you must ask daddy of you want alone time without him 

Rule 14: you have to tell daddy if you're so sad, so he can make you feel better 

Rule 15: you have to ask daddy before you go into his bed 

Rule 16: the final rule, you must only be loyal to daddy." Mackenzie tells Celine/ 

I look at the plates that Lucy has gotten out for the girls. There is a pink, purple, and a light blue plate that have cute little bunny rabbits on the inside. I look over to Celine and she is just sitting still with her head on her hands, leaning on the counter. 

"Celine, did you listen to all of the rules?" I asked her. 

"Yes, Daddy." She says, looking up to me. 

I smile at her and decide to give her the pink plate. I scoop eggs, bacon and put half a piece of toast on the plate. I then make Mackenzie's and Bailyn's plate. I balance the player on my arm and place a plate in front of each of them. 

"You must let me know if you don't like certain foods okay, love bug?" I ask Celine.

She locked eyes with me and I can't help but bite my bottom lip at her. I would be bringing her into my bed tonight because she just needed extra attention and adoration. She was so innocent that it turned me on. I would never push her to do anything however. 

I rub the side of her face and look at her plate. "Eat up." I tell her. 

I walk over to Bailyn and gave her a hug. She leans against me and I smile. Bailyn was the most clingy, but it was just so cute that I couldn't tell her not to cling/ 

Daddy is going to take a shower okay?" I tell my baby girl's and touch each of their shoulders, lingering on Mackenzie. 

She looks up at me as she takes a sip from her soppy cup. I pull the cup away from her mouth and I bring my lips to hers. 

"I love you, my love." I tell her, walking towards the stairs. 




Sorry it took such a long time! but at least I have all the chapters already :) just have been busy with life and school, but trying to upload all of the old chapters to begin new updates. Thanks for the patience guys 

xoxo M

 Mackenzie up top!!

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