48- Celine**

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We got up the stairs and I could feel how heavy Remy felt. His head was hung low, his body was shutting down and he needed an escape somehow. Right now wasn't the time for us to be physical or intimate, but we both needed it.

After the death of our son and the death of his brother, it was inevitable. I don't know how we had escape there but we did. I knew that Remy was afraid that Xander was hurt, but he said that Xander was a big boy.

I feel like they let us out of there way to easily, but I wasn't going to complain. I didn't know how the following hours, days, or even weeks would be. Perhaps we would be on the run for the rest of our lives, but we had each other right now. In this moment we were alive and well and we didn't need anybody else to tell us different.

These past ew months had been hard on our relationship, but I knew that we could do it. As soon as we got into the room, I closed the door behind us.

"Lina.." He said, his voice breaking.

I walked to him and I hugged him. He fell into my body. He was crying and he felt to his knees. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Remy, baby, this isn't how this needs to go. Stand up. Let me hold you, on the bed." I told him.

"Lina, my brother is dead."

"Baby, sit on the bed. Don't be on the ground." I said to him.

He nodded and he stood up. He towered over me and he wrapped his arms around me. "What can I do?" I asked him.

I felt helpless. I didn't know what I was supposed to do to help him.

"Can you just lay with me?" He asked me.

"Of course." I said to him.

He crawled to the head of the bed and he flipped back the covers. His head hit the pillows and he left a spot for me in the crook of his arm. I crawled towards him and I laid against him. We just lay there and we fell asleep. For the first time in days, I felt comfortable and safe enough to sleep.




I felt a hand on my cheek. It was warm and heavy. A thumb was running along my cheek and my eyes twitched open. Remy was staring at me in the dark. His brown eyes looked into my own. His face was only a few inches away from mine. I moaned, my body felt heavy with sleep.

I felt a wet drop hit my cheek. My eyes darted to his eyes, tears were running down his cheeks. I put a hand to the back of his head and I brought his head closer to mine, our foreheads touching.

"Lina, I need you." He said to me, his lips met mine.

It was so quick and forceful that I was taken by surprise. Of course, I kissed him back, our lips entangled in a passionate embrace. He leaned back, taking me with him. He was seated but I was on my knees. My hands were wrapped in his hair, tugging at his roots as our lips created a fire that I hadn't felt in so long.

His hands were on my body, making the T-shirt I was wearing come up my stomach. The feel of his hands on my skin immediately turned me on. It had been so long since him and I had been intimate that I felt the need to cry.

We separated and he lifted the shirt above my head. He was shirtless and our naked chests were pressed to one another. He ran his hands down my spine, into the band of my panties. He followed the band of my panties to the front. He slipped his hand into them, feeling my c.lit with his fingers.

I gasped, his touch feeling foreign. I couldn't help but bring my mouth to his. He slowly began to massage me with his fingers, rubbing in a circular motion. As we kissed, I ran my hands down his sculpted chest, feeling him hard under my hands. I rubbed him through his boxers and a moan escaped his lips. He pulled away from me and he looked at me.

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