68- Celine

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We reached Scottsdale a few days later. We stopped so many times along the way to see the beautiful countryside of the United States. Along the way, Remy and I talked and talked. Days being stuck in a car with him was difficult because he could be annoying but, God did I love that man. 

Being stuck in the car with him was a test to how much I could handle him. I had to ask myself if I could handle him for the rest of my life. I had to push away everything that was in our past. Him cheating and all of the violence that has followed our relationship, I left it all in New York. 

It was a difficult decision and Ms Lucy and I were able to talk and she helped counsel me. 

"Tuson, will you help show the movers where our house is? Help them separate the furniture? I want to take Lina somewhere." Remy said. 

I walked over to him and watched him. He was so handsome and it was hard not to be in love with him. It felt like the beginning of our relationship again. He gripped my hand and he pulled me along. 

"I want to show you the view from our new house." He said. 

I followed after him. This was the house I chose and it was so beautiful and the pictures didn't do it justice. The house was huge and white with big windows. There was a ton of room for kids to play and for cookouts with friends. Not that we had any friends or kid right now.. but I was hoping one day when we could be healthy again we could talk about a future. 

"Are you going to be happy here, Rem?" I asked him. 

He gripped my hand tight and he bumped my hip with his. "Baby, I will be happy with you anywhere and I know that we have been through a lot and I want to do anything I can." 

"But did you want this?" 

He nodded and he stepped out of the way. He smiled down at me and I moved my eyes away from him and I looked before me. There was a valley of bushes and small cacti with wild flowers everywhere. I gasped. We were on the edge of a mountain it seemed. I could almost cry at how beautiful it was here. 

"Babe..." I said to him. 

"I know. I wanted to make sure that we had something like this. This is what I needed. I can live anywhere with you as long as we have a pretty view." He said to me. 

I smiled at him and I squeezed his hand. "I want a table and chairs out here." 

"Of course, darling. Anything for you." 


Ms Lucy was in our kitchen making food and we were waiting for daddy to come home. Tuson was standing on the side of her. 

"Celine, would you like a ride to meet Remy? He just informed me that he will be late coming home but he would like you two to get some dinner." Tuson said. 

Ms Lucy put her hands on her hips and she pointed to me and then to her fiancé. "No! I have slaved over this dinner! He will get his keister home! " 

"Don't shoot the messenger. Celine would you like to call him?" Tyson questioned. 

I grabbed a house phone that was on the counter and I dialed his number. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Yes, my dear?" he asked. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I am finishing up some paperwork. I don't know how long I will be. Do you want to meet me somewhere or do you want me to still come home?" 

"Ms Lucy has made us dinner and it is almost done. I think it is in your best interest to come home." I said, turning away from gazing eyes. 

"Okay baby. Ill try and make it home." He said. 

After we ate, we could hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I turned and there was daddy, in hand were a bouquet of roses. I smiled and I shot off of the stool and over to him. I collapsed him into a hug and he wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me off of the ground and he spun me around. We exchanged small kisses and he set me back down on my feet. 

"I hope you had a good day, Lina." He said, handing me the roses. 

This is how it had been for the past few months. We were better than ever before. He came home to me every night and our communication was better than ever. We had only been in a few spats but they were nothing that talking could not fix. We had hardly heard out of Bailyn or Kenzie, that I was glad. That part of our life was closed. 

He and I had met up with a colleague of his and we went on a business trip to Tokyo. We had attended many formal galas and fundraising events for his company. Finally a few weeks ago, we were intimate for the first time in months. It was a relief for the both of us. After that, I felt safer than I had in a long time with him. 

I was able to re-enter my little space and I was able to trust him. It took a long time and there are still some things that I had struggles with but he always affirmed me. I was fearful that he wasn't going to be able to be a one little man, but so far he was showing that he could. 

"Xander is coming to visit us in a few weeks. He finally got back with me today. He has gotten himself a woman." He said, sitting down next to me on the stool. 

Ms Lucy put a plate in front of him. Her and Tuson patted daddy on the shoulder before they left. Daddy started eating his food and I leaned my head on my hand. 

"Is he going to bring Captain with him?" I asked. 

It had been so long since I had seen the puppy that daddy got me. I missed the dog. Captain had spent time with my mother, sister, and not Xander. Xander's mother had Captain at a farm house in Maine. We didn't know how he got there, all I knew was I wanted him back. 

Daddy chuckled before taking another bite. "Yes. His mom and him worked something out. He will be so happy to see you." 

I was so glad that we were finally happy. It took a hell of a long time and it was a long journey, but we made it. 




So, there will be an epilogue and some alternate endings. I think I'm dragging this on a bit to far. I don't think this needs anymore!!! This is the last chapter! Ill have a long note on the epilogue :) 



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