57- Remy

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I want to clarify a few things.

My writing on this story is very mediocre and the story line is not well developed. This is not supposed to be taken seriously but more for enjoyment. The grammar is not good, there are so many mistakes. I have been re-reading what Im writing and a lot of it is misspelled and so forth. Please do not point those things out.

Second, I have gotten messages and comments on here about how some of the things that Celine does aren't accurate or are wrong for her as a little. She is on a journey to find herself as a little, but as a woman. If you want more of a little aspect, read Bailyn's story. Celine is a little, but right now she feels betrayed and unsafe to be in a vulnerable spot.

If you are confused or have any questions, I encourage you to re-read. I guess because I am writing I just assume that the story line is easy to follow. Im sure there are some confusing spots, but I encourage you, instead of sending me a nasty message or making a rude comment, message me and ask me to clarify. It is very aggravating and is very discouraging to even want to put out an update.

For those of you whom haven't done this, I thank you for your gracious reads and comments. You are all amazing and some of your comments just make me laugh out loud. Thank you all.


Carry on to the update.




Do you see me now?

I watched the car pull away. I stood there and watched Celine and Cassandra left. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears and I felt my vision get blurry. My mouth began to taste of iron as blood dripped on my shirt.

I gnawed on my bottom lip and I was confused. Why did she have to go? I told her what had happened. My feet moved before my mind could realize what was happening.  I was running as fast as I could to try to catch that car. I knew it was hopeless, but I needed her to stay.

We could work this out. I would explain to her that Kenzie was just so familiar and I didn't know what was coming over me. That was a lie, I knew that was happening and I didn't stop it. Mackenzie was there in the moment and I wanted to get my mind off of everything.

She was hurt and she was doing what she did best, running. She wasn't willing to work this out with me. After everything we had been through, why run? What was the purpose? After everything we shared, how was this harder than anything? It was just a kiss and I didn't understand how her and I couldn't work this out.

I stopped. My legs stopped and I turned around. There was no use in chasing the car. It was well ahead of me and I wasn't sure where she was going. I didn't know that she was still in contact with her parents. I guess I didn't know her like I thought I did.

When I got back to the house, Maya, Mackenzie's daughter, was playing in the foyer. I knelt down and I ran my hand across the top of her head.

"Where's your mommy?" I asked her.

She shrugged and pointed behind her. I stood up straight and I walked down the hallway and walked into the kitchen. Mackenzie and Bailyn were talking about something and stopped when I entered.

"She left me. Don't fucking talk about it." I snapped, walking toward the fridge.

"We weren't talking about her. We were talking about the sister. She was just very quiet and why was she even here?" Bailyn said.

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