51- Remy

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I had to gather my thoughts and my feelings. There was so many emotions that were running through my body. I was done being pushed around and I was done with my father. He was making life difficult for me and I just wanted to enjoy a simple life with the love of my life.

I was confused at what I was supposed to do with Bailyn. I understood why Lina did what she did, she was being selfless but why Bailyn? What were Lina and I going to do with Cassandra? Was she going to be staying with us or going back home? There was so much that we needed to work out and so little time to do this.

I was ready for this part of my life to be over so that I could get back to normalcy with my girl(s)? I came out from the kitchen and my father was getting off of the floor. He wiped the blood from his nose and mouth with his shirt. His face was beginning to bruise and I was glad. He spit blood on the carpet and I walked towards him.

"Lets go. Im not putting this off anymore." I said.

My father started after me. I was surprised her was complying without any extra push needed. I had a feeling that he was going to try something whenever we got there but I was hoping that he would be to afraid to try something with Chilino. I know I was afraid to even go back there. It didn't make much sense as to why I was going to line myself into failure. It felt like what I was about to was set myself up to die.

I was going into the place where just days ago my brother died. Where days ago, my girls were threatened to be bred like dogs. I didn't know how i felt about this. I know that I had to go back and get Xander because he did not deserve to be in there because of me. He was such a loyal friend and I would do any of this for him if he were in my situation.

Xander was never truly a part of the gang that me and my family were in. Xander was the little boy across the street when we were growing up that came over everyday to play. Until we got older, then he wanted in but my father warned him against this. Xander would accompany us to destinations but he would never do the dirty work.

I didn't understand why Chilino still had him, but I know a part of it had to do with me coming back there. Chilino was smart and he didn't miss much. He knew that I would be coming back to try to bargain his freedom as well as my own. I was certain that Chilino would take my father in replacement to me, but it made sense in my head. I just hoped that this worked.

After we began our walk, my mind went back to my childhood. My father was never really present in my life, but more so in Ric's. I was always envious of them but as we got older Ric saw what I was my entire life. We both had pulled so far away from him. This man was evil and he did not care about his wife or his flesh.

The familiar scape of the building was in my eyesight and I didn't hear footsteps behind me anymore. I turned around and saw my father looking at me.

"Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" He asked me.

Was he serious? I wanted to laugh at his audacity. I walked towards him and I gripped his arm. He walked evenly with my pace and when we got to the front entrance, there were men waiting for us. They must have spotted us from a mile away. I put my hands up in a surrender and they grabbed my father and I's arm.

We reached the elevator and we rode it to the top floor. I was having deja vu because I had just went through all of this with Celine just days ago. I closed my eyes because I could see my brother in the flesh standing here with a serious look on his face. He was always so serious.

When we got to the floor, we were escorted out and we entered the big pent house. In the middle of the room was the same set up. There was a large dining table where Chilino and Nelson were siting. There were men all around the table and a few women here and there. My eyes zeroed in on Xander.

He was in rough shape. His eyes seemed to be swollen shut and his face was a deep purple. He had been beaten to a pulp. I squeezed my hand in a fist and I was seated at the foot of the table. My father was next to me and then Chilino cleared his throat.

"Reminaldo, you come back after an escape?" He asked me.

I tense my hands as I look across the table at him. "Yes." Was all I said.

"And you bring company. Who would this be?" He asked.

Nelson sat up straight in his chair with a curious gaze. Maybe they didn't recognize my father. I could see why they didn't. When my father was apart of them, he never had facial hair and he always kept his hair short. Since leaving, my father had let a part of himself go. He had a beard with hair that touched his shoulders. His hair was white because of all the years of stress.

"Fabian Delgado." I said.

Chilino stood to his feet and he leaned over food. Nelson stayed seated but his eyes had a certain look.

"Why did you bring this vermin here?"

"I want to talk. Just you and me. No others, no violence. Por favor, Chilino."

"Ven ahora, hablemos." He said.

I stood to my feet and followed after him.




Yasssssssssss im patting myself on the back because I'm getting updates out more frequently!

xoxo M

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