49- Remy

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I didn't want to leave the bed at all. I just wanted to stay with Celine and sleep the day away. I felt numb to the world and even with Celine by myside, I didn't feel like I could face my father. It felt like he knew what was going to happen and he let it happen anyway. How could I look at the man who helped give me life knowing that he had a part in taking away his own flesh and blood?

Ric was always the golden boy. He was the brother that everybody loved and I looked up to him. My brother was always there when I needed him and I was always there for him. The past few years our relationship had been rocky but we always remained family, that was something that he nobody could take away.

I didn't know how I was supposed to go on. I know that I had too for myself and to heal properly. It didn't feel real, my brother still felt like he was downstairs helping out mother cook. These were old memories that were engraved in the walls. Sometimes I could even still hear my mother's voice, even when it had been so long. I would rather my father be dead than my brother.

Celine gripped my hand and she smiled for me. Her smile melted my heart. I couldn't do this without her. Her support and he love was enough to help me through, even if I didn't feel like doing anything. She would be my saving grace.

"I'm going to go downstairs and get us something to eat. I'm starving." She said.

I just nodded my head and I watched her as she walked away. I know that I needed to get up and get dressed. It would do me no good to just stay inside all day and weep. Lina and I couldn't just go for a walk and right now that's all I wanted to do. Right now, we had a crazy person after us and I don't know how or why we escaped so easily, but I wasn't going to question it.

Xander amongst other things were on my mind. How was my friend, my only brother left? Was he alive? Was he okay? I felt horrible because I didn't look for him. I was so worried about the girls and getting them out. I didn't want them to have a horrible fate. I know my reasoning was selfish. The girls didn't deserve that. I would rather die than let Celine or Bailyn be bred like a dog.

I stood to my wobbly feet, walking towards the bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror and I was filthy. My face was bruised, as was my naked chest. I had dark circles for days under my eyes and I just hoped that a shower would make me feel something, maybe alive?

I turned on the water, as hot as it could get, and I stripped myself of my pajama pans. I stepped into the shower and I let the scalding hot water hit my back. I was so numb that I couldn't feel the burn.






When I went downstairs, sad eyes looked at me. My sister got up from a chair she was sitting in and she hugged me. Ms Lucy followed her and Bailyn just sat there with a blank expression on her face. I wrapped my arms tightly around them both, just embracing them.

I know myself as well as Bailyn had entered our little space. We were finally in a place where we felt safe enough to do so. Right now I had to be strong for him. Part of that was going to be hard and I didn't want to do what I was about to do.

Before I went and got food I looked to Bailyn. I motioned her to come to the hallway before entering the kitchen. I sighed and I looked at her. She got up and walked towards me with a questionable look on her face.

She leaned on the wall with a scowl on her face. Just remember it's for daddy... I kept telling myself. I wanted to slap the smug look off of her face. She was such a brat.

"I'm not doing this for you.. Im doing this for daddy." I said.

As soon as I said, daddy, her eyes lit up. "We shared him once.. he was mine first." She spit.

"This is not about that right now, B." I snapped.

"Don't you call me that." She said.

I rolled my eyes and balled up my fists. This is for daddy.. the selfish brat doesn't deserve him.

"He's not doing good and since he was once involved with you, I want you to help me.... Comfort him. If Kenzie were here I would ask her the same." I said.

"Anything for daddy." Was all she said, turning her back from me, making sure her hair hit me in the face. I saw her walk towards the stairs.

I didn't mean now! Tears filled my eyes and jealousy filled my veins. Right now was not the time for these emotions but I had been pinning them down for so long. He was mine.. he picked me... and now she was going up there? Why couldn't I just be selfish?

I scowled and walked into the kitchen. I saw Ms Lucy and she smiled at me.

"Hello again, dear. Would you like some cereal? Food for him?" She asked me.

I nodded and I sat up on the stool. This felt like old times. When Ms Lucy would give me my sippy cup filled with chocolate milk and she would make me bacon. Seconds later, there was a sippy in front of me.

I couldn't help but giggle. I know now wasn't the right time for me to be in my little space but I had neglected that part of me for so long because of all of the drama and death that seemed to surround me. I had to feel some kind of normalcy.

Ms Lucy put everything on a tray for me... including Bailyn's food... My eye twitched when I saw it. I carried it as careful as I could and I walked towards the stairs. His father was seated in the living room and he eyed me, suspiciously. I s squeaked and ran up the stairs. I made it to the bedroom and then I opened the door.

Daddy was standing in front of Bailyn.. in a towel.. she smirked at me...

I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. "Why is she here? Lina?" He asked me.

"I feel like she can help me make you better." I said.

He walked to me, his chest wet with perspiration and he took the tray, handing it to B. She took it and sat it on the bed. Daddy ran a hand across my cheek.

"You didn't have to do that, baby." He said.

I bit my bottom lip and felt like crying. Amongst this chaotic mess, it felt somewhat normal.

"If you would leave, I could make him feel much better." Bailyn purred to him.

Daddy dropped his hands from my cheek and he turned so fast in her direction.

"You were betting against me, Bailyn. You and Lina's sister went to Gavin. You were against me. Do you really think I would forget that?" He snapped.

"You sent me to a mental hospital." She said.

He had no words to say to that. "I didn't know that is what Gavin was going to do. He offered me a home and he was giving me what I need. You know that I need order and attention." She said.

"Which is why I sent you away. You are not made for a polyamorous relationship. You and Lina both, are a one man show." He said.

"Can we just eat and get along? Maybe watch a movie?" I asked.

They both turned to me.. I don't know why I was going along with this but I felt like it could help. Throwing Daddy back into some sort of normalcy would help him grieve. 




Don't hate me! Im sorry its a day or two late! 

Let me know your thoughts! 

xoxo m

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