55- Remy

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Mackenzie's mouth moved in sync with mine. I felt the familiar chemistry that I had felt many times before. She had wrapped her hands in my hair, our chests were pressed together, and she was the only thing on my mind.

A few minutes later, Mackenzie pushed me away, biting her bottom lip. "Remy, we shouldn't have done that."

"Why? What?" I asked.

"You're in pain, grieving. You and Celine. I walked in and I shouldn't have overstepped." She said.

Fuck. Celine. Lina..

I ran a hand through my hair, sighing, looking at my feet in the water. "Theres nothing I can do about it now." He said.

"It won't happen again. I'm sorry I took advantage of your vulnerable state. I just missed you." She said.

She began to stand to her feet. She shook her feet to free the water from her skin. I looked up at her and she put a hand on my head, fingers running through the strands.

"I'm going to put Maya to bed. You have a big, emotional day tomorrow. I'd try to go get some sleep."

I stayed by the pool, lost in my thoughts. A part of me was thankful that I kissed her because she was so familiar. The other part of me felt shitty because of Lina.

Mackenzie shut the sliding door behind her. I should be happy about being back in my own home, with all of the people I love, but I couldn't enjoy it. I had to fuck things up.

What would I tell Celine? Did I tell her? Would Kenzie tell her?


I sighed deeply, getting up from the pool. I grabbed a towel off the rack and I stepped into the kitchen area. Celine and Bailyn were seated at the bar. Lucy and Tuson were on the other side having small talk.

"How are you all doing this evening?" I asked.

"I should ask you that, dear. Are you okay for tomorrow?" Lucy asked me.

I lean on the door behind me. She must be talking if the funeral.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I can't bring him back." I said, dryly as I walk towards the stairs.

Celine's eyes lock with mine and I feel like shit. I know she had been wanting to spend time with me But I put her on the back burner.

She got off of the stool and I turned towards her. "Not now, Celine." I snapped.

She flared her nostrils and she walked towards me, pushing against my chest before she walked up the stairs. Seconds later her bedroom door slammed.

I turned around and I saw everybody's eyes on me. "Please no questions. I just need to be alone." I snapped.




The next morning everybody was dressed in black as we were were seated in chairs. There was a man speaking bullshit because he didn't know Ric.

I was supposed to go up and talk but what could I say that would bring him back? What would I say that would make me feel better?

Xander was up there and he was talking about Ric, but I couldn't bother to hear anything. I wanted to be away from here and I wanted to just bring my brothers ashes to my house. I would settle from there.

Once the service was over we all went out to lunch. We took separate cars and Celine and I were in my personal car. She was seated in the front seat and before we moved I heard her sigh.

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