28- Remy

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The next few weeks of my life were unbelievably quick. Celine and I had grown closer, there were no problems in my life and I hadn't heard from Bailyn or Mackenzie. I was beginning to feel relief. 

I had decided to take a few weeks off of work so that I could spend time with Celine. On my way home from the pet store, I heard barking from beside me. I had decided to get my baby girl a dog because she deserved it more than anything. She loved animals and I had not gotten her a dog and she has been begging my for the past few months. 

Tuson opened the door for me and I grabbed the small dog in my hands and I nodded at him. Before I walked to far away, I turned and faced him. 

"Tuson." I said and cock my head as he put his hands behind his back. 

"Yes Sir?" 

"Tuson, you do a lot for me and I want to give back to you. You may have the next three weeks off. Celine and I, as well this little guy, will be traveling." I tell him and I pat his back. 

He grips my hand and the old man smiled at me with tears in his eyes. "Thank you sir." He tells me. 

I nod and I pat his shoulder. "While I'm gone, you and Lucy mat stay in the house here if you'd like, no sex in my bedroom." I smirk at him.

"Sir, I assure you that Lucy and I are not--" 

"I'm young but not blind Tuson. Enjoy her, she is an excellent woman." I tell him and walk away from him. 

"Yes she is. Thank you sir."




"DADDY! YOU GOT ME A PUPPY!" Celine shouts and she rushed down the stairs with the dog in her hands. 

I laughed as I sat in the living room. Her arms hung onto the dog so tightly and she jumped up and down. 

"Careful love, we don't need to kill the puppy the first night." It tell her and laugh. 

"Daddy! He is soon cute! Oh gosh! Daddy!" She squeals and she jumped into my lap. 

The puppy licked at her chin and she giggled and put the puppy down and looked into my eyes. She grabbed my face and kissed all over my skin. Her face rubbed my beard and I laughed. "I love you." She told me in between spontaneous kisses against my skin. 

I put my hands on her hips and I look down at her. "What are you doing to be baby girl? You're making me so soft." I tell her. 

She placed her hands on my heart and she looked down at me. "You have always been soft with me daddy. I love you." She said and leaned her head against my chest. 




"How would you like to go somewhere for a few weeks? Just me, you, and Captain." I say and rub her puppy's head. 

Captain barked at me and Celine giggled. "Just me and you?! For weeks? yes! Yes! Million times yes! If its just me and you, that means I can have sexy time with you daddy! Lots of it. I miss it." Celine told me, biting her bottom lip. 

"I know its been awhile baby, but over this vacation, you won't have anytime to talk anywhere. You will not be able to walk." I say and grip her ass in my hands. 

She smirked at me and she giggled. "daddy, why did you not tell me that your birthday is next week?" She asked me as she pulled my ears. 

"Its not that important to me baby. Its just another day." 

She crinkled her nose and she took my face into her hands. She was trying to be stern with me. "With me, there will be birthday parties! You will celebrate with me!" She told me

I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing at her. She was so cute when she tried to be stern. "Yes, Ma'am." I told her, laughing.




Don't forget to comment please <3 almost at 50k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys, the prewritten chapters are almost done! I am so ready to start writing new stuff! Enjoy 

xoxo M

p.s. does anybody watch shameless?????

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