19- Remy

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Tuson opened the door for Celine and I. I walked out of the car and I gripped my knuckles and didn't look behind me. I knew Celine would follow me. I walked into the front door and I took off my suit jacket and threw it to the floor.

I looked behind me and my beautiful angel was looking at me with tears in her eyes. I could not give into that because she was crying. I had to remember that she had broken my rules and she needed to be punished. 

Lucy went home for the night and I knew that Bailyn was in the living room watching TV.I walked towards Celine and I gripped her wrist and I led her to the basement door. Celine flinched when I opened the door. I began to walk down the stairs and she stayed at the top of the stairs. 

I looked up at her and noticed that her legs were shaking. She wrapped her arms around her body and she bent over with a hand over her mouth, choking on sobs. 

"D-daddy, p-please!" She says, backing away from the door. 

I sighed and flared my nostrils. "Celine. Get down here. Now." I said to her. 

I gave in too much with her crying. As much as I hated to punish my baby girl's it needed to be done. I had let Celine slide for the first few weeks because I did not want to be forceful with her, but now she was getting a tad to big for her pants. I did not need two Bailyn's. 

She slowly walked down the stairs and I put my hand out for her. I grabbed a key from my pocket and unlocked the playroom door. I push the door open and let Celine go first. I slipped the lights on and I walk to a small leather couch against the far wall. 

I sat down on the couch and I pulled Celine to stand in front of me. I run my fingers against her arm and one of her tears fall against my arm. 

"Turn around." I tell her. 

She turns and I stand up, and take the single bobby pin from her hair. I walk in front other and I put my finger under her chin so she looks at me. 

"Do you know why you are going to be punished?" I ask her. 

She shakes her head. "I have let it go the first few times because you were new. You have been here a month now and I am tired of you being too comfortable with me. Tonight you will get fifteen strikes for your absurd behavior. Might I add it was in public. One of my rules is that you're respectful in public." I tell her. 

She whimpers in the back of her throat and she rubs her eyes, leaving makeup smeared across her face. I have to fight the urge to wipe the tears away. I wrap my arms around her and It take  the zipper of her dress in my fingers and unzip her. Her eyes lock onto mine and she bites her bottom lip. 

Her dress falls off of her shoulder and she turns her head and more tears fall from her eyes. The dress that was so beautiful on her was now in a puddle at her feet. "Step out of it and go kneel onto the bed, a.s.s in the air." I tell her and watch her. 

I walk after her and I look at her cute little a.s.s. in the air and her head down onto the bed. Her back was arched and I bit my bottom lip and ran my hands along her perfect body. She gasped when my hands made contact with her skin and she made a small whine in her throat. I noticed the hair on her skin was sticking straight up. 

I rubbed my hands in circles on her a.s.s. to distract her before I pulled back my hand and slapped it hard. She gasped and lifted her head up. The stink of my hand against her skin echoed in the room and she began to breathe quickly. 

I brought my hand hard against her again, each time harder as she cried out.  My heart ached because I hated doing this to her, but her behavior needed to be fixed. 

"One more Celine. This will be the hardest. When I am finished I want you to stand up so I can rub ointment in" I tell her before delivering the hardest slap to her a.s.s yet. 

Cries immediately leave her throat and she curled up into a ball on the bed. Her body shakes and convulses and I instantly feel bad because maybe for her first punishment went too far. It made me feel like I was her old Dom, Gavin. 

"Celine, please stand up." I say and reach for the ointment to rub into her red skin. 

I looked at her skin and there were deep purple hand marks on her skin, already. I realized that I took my frustration out on her. I turned her over slowly onto her back and I rubbed the ointment into my hand, gently rubbing her butt.

She flinched away from my touch. "Please don't t-touch!" She whimpers and grips mat my arm, her nails digging into my skin. 

"Let me try to ease it baby. You're behavior is corrected now and I want you to know that that its all over now." I tell her, finishing rubbing the ointment on her. 




Hope you liked! What would you like to see more of? I already have all of these written from when this originally was up, but i do not mind editing! :)



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