24- Remy

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I walked after Bailyn and watched her from afar. I know this would be hard on her because she was shipped around a lot. I was selfish and wanted Celine. Celine just made me feel something that Bailyn and Mackenzie couldn't fill. 

She sat on the edge of the grass and let her feet swing in the water. I walked over to her and sat next to her on the grass. 

"B, I am sorry. I will find you somewhere good. If you want you can stay while I find you somewhere okay?" I tell her. 

"I don't want a new daddy. You were mine first." She says and looks at me frowning. 

I sigh and look at the water. 

"Now you are just going to be throw me to the trash and you know what I've been through." She shouts. 

"Don't shout at me." I say to her. 

"You don't want me anymore so I will act as I like." 

"You've always acted like this. A brat." 

She stands to her feet and looked at me. "I thought thats why you loved me so much."

"I love you Bailyn, but I am not in love with you anymore. It's Celine." I say to her. 

She screamed at the top of her lungs and she pushed at my chest. Her fists pound at me and she kicked at my shins. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She kicked her legs in the air and she pounded at my back. 

Tyson opened up the door for me and I pushed Bailyn into the car. I put my hands on my face and leaned against the car and sighed. I continued to hear her screams from inside the car. Her fists were pounding at the window I was leaning on. 

Tyson came to stand next to me and I looked at him. "Would you drive us to River Creek Institution?" I said to him. 




I walked Into my house without Bailyn and I felt relieved. She would not stop kicking and screaming at me. She had finally broke because she could not accept that I could not love her anymore. I hated to send her to a place like River Creek, but I had too. 

I had nowhere else for her to go and did not want her to torment Celine. When I walked into the kitchen, Lucy and Celine were laughing together as Celine was drinking from her sippy cup. Lucy saw me and I pushed my finger to my lips. 

I moved Celine's hair from the back of her neck and I kissed below her ear. Celine gasped and she turned around to look at me. She dropped her soppy cup and she jumped up from the stool to hug me. Her arms went around my beck and she inhaled my scent. 

"I missed you." She says into my neck. 

I leaned my head away from here and I rubbed her cheeks. She had the cutest chubby cheeks. She stuck her tongue out at me and she tried to lick my hand. I scrunched my nose playfully at her and I turned my back to her. 

"Piggy back ride?" She shouted excitedly. 

I wiggled my hands behind me and all of the sudden she hopped up, but was sliding down my back. "Noooo." She said, elongating the 'O'. 

I began to laugh and hiked her up higher onto my back. "How about you and I make a fort and then watch some Netflix?" I asked her. 

She jumped on my back and she gripped my sides tightly with her thighs. I closed my eyes and then opened them. She was so innocent for her own good. 




Celine and I lifted the last blanket in the air. "Stand in the middle baby, so daddy can get it to stay."

She crawled through the blanket and pillows and she stood to her feet and held the blanket up with her arms straight in the air. "Like this daddy?" She asked me. 

Her tanktop was inching up over her stomach and her pajama shorts were loosely on her ass. She had sleepy eyes and her lips were pouty. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as I felt my member starting to stir. I turned away from her and I took a candle and placed the blanket under it so we could have more light. 

Once I was done hooking all of the edges together, Celine was laid against the pillows and she looked so excited. 

I laid down beside her and she cuddled into my side

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I laid down beside her and she cuddled into my side. She wrapped her legs across my torso and she looked up into my eyes. I wrapped an arm around her waist and her hands moved across my chest. 

"Daddy..." She whispered. 

"Princess?" I said. 

She moved her leg all the way cross my torso and then kneeled over me. She straddled my hips and she looked down at me. 

"You love me right?" She asked me.

"More than anything." I said and kissed her knuckles.

"You won't hurt me like you did right? You will only punish me when necessary?" She asked me. 

"Yes baby. Daddy would never do that again. It was the biggest mistake of my life." I said and looked into her eyes. 

She bit her bottom lip and she nodded. She began to move her hips slowly as she looked at me. 

"Will you please love my princess parts?" She asked me as her hands trailed down her own body and seeped into her pajama shorts. 

My eyes bulged from my head as I looked up at her. 




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Happy Celine and Remy are spending time together?!

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