It's a Merry Christmas Special

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"Lina! Hurr up! We will be late! You don't need to wear pretty clothes to cut down a tree!" I yelled up the stairs. 

"Remy! This is the girls first christmas with you and she wants to look beautiful. The pressure to be beautiful is hard on a girl. Let her be." Ms Lucy says to me. 

I huffed and I leaned on the railing. It was cold, I told her to dress warm. She complained to me and said that the cold was bad and that it needed to go away. I could only laugh at her cuteness. I heard her footsteps coming and I leaned off of the rail and I could see her fuzzy snow boots. 

She has jeans on and a big bubble jacket. Celine never wore jeans. Today she knew it would be cold.  

"Im sorry I'm late daddy! But it was just so hard to zip this jackie on!" She pouted. 

"its okay baby girl. You look cute as a button. Are you ready to chop down a tree for us?" I asked her. 

She squealed and she lunged at me with her arms open wide. 




The snow came up to her knees. She was shivering and she was clung to me. "D-daddy. Its so cilddddddddd." She whined. 

"I know baby. I seep telling you to eat so that you can gain some weight. You're so tiny." I tell her, stopping in front of her so she could jump on my back. 

She jumped onto my back and i could hear her teeth chattering in my ear. "Do you see a tree baby?" I asked her. 

"Daddy can we get a b-big tree? Santa has to know that Im here so I can get presents." 

I laughed at her. "Santa knows who and where you are princess. I don't know if you've been a good little girl this year or not." I said to her. 

She blew her tongue at me. "I am a perfect princess and you know it." She giggled. 

We stopped where finally, there was a heated tent and people inside chattering. I put her down. "Remember, don't let go of daddy's hand." I told her. 

She nodded as we walked inside of the tent. "Welcome to the Tree Barn! I will have you know that we have the best and biggest selection of natural trees! Assorting from 15 feet high as low as 4 feet low. We have the tree you are looking for! How may I, Dan, be of service to you?" The man said to me. 

I looked over to Celine and he mouth was wide open. I leaned down. "Your mouth is only open for Daddy. Close that pretty little mouth." I said to her, tapping her chin. 

She closed it and her cheeks began to grow a shade of red. "Dan is it?" I asked. 

"Yes Sir, Dan is the name, How can i be of service?" 

"Look Dan. Im just trying to make some memories for me and my girl okay? I don't need you to talk my ear off while I do it. I just need you to supply the ax and we will gladly be on our way." I said to him. 

"Of course, May i just have a name? Its for pick up."





Celine and I followed the path and she was amazed by all of the beautiful lights and fixtures everywhere. "Daddy!!! We need to get reindeer! Daddy! We need to get a hugeeee tree! And daddy, when are we going to put stockings up? Can we feed the reindeer when santa comes?" She asked me. 

I laughed and I had to stop her with a kiss. She was just talking my ear off. "Baby girl," I said after I kissed her. She just giggled and she skipped, until she stopped in front of a tree. 


"Shh baby," I said to her, tapping her a.s.s.

She giggled more, bent down, and got snow in her hands. She narrowed her eyes at me before she threw a snowball in my face. Cold was all I felt. I smirked at her and she screamed and started to run. 

I laughed and I bent down, scooping up some snow, and running after her. "Better run now baby!" I said to her. 




After the tree was tied up around the top of my car, Tuson opened the door for us. "Thank you." Celine said. 

"I can't wait until we can decorate daddy! and make cookies and make stockings and buy a reindeer. And! I can't wait to take pictures with Santa!" She said. 

"Baby, unfortunately, there will be no pictures with Santa okay? But we can take Captain and go to PetCo where they do pictures with santa with pets." I said to her. 

"Do you think Captain would like that?" She said.

"I know Captain will."





After I put the tree in the pot, Celine put on Christmas jingles and she started dancing. "dance with me!" She said. 

I looked at her. Our first Christmas would be perfect because I had the most amazing girl and I was so in love with her. All I could ever do was just look at her and see how perfect she was. I smiled at her, and I got up and I danced with her. 




OKAY! THIS IS THE LAST UPDATE UNTIL THE NEW YEAR! Im going to Canada to see my baby! on Sunday I fly out <3 I will be there with him for 12 days! Including Christmas! i hope you all have a merry Christmas! happy holidays if you don't celebrate Christmas! I love you all! Happy new year <3 

xoxo M

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