12- Celine

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I was curled up in a ball holding Ellie to my chest. Sir came today and he hurt me. He kept on grabbing my throat and squeezing and squeezing. I tried to yell for daddy, but he never heard me. I tried to call his other baby girl's but they didn't come either. 

Daddy's bed was really big and I had never been in his bed to sleep. I didnt want to be here without him and I just wanted him to take all of my pain away. More tears came through my eyes and I wanted them to stop leaking! I tried o hard to be strong in front of daddy, but when i'm around him I just continuously cry. 

I heard his bedroom door open and I squeaked and curled up in a tighter ball. I hid my face into his pillow that smelled like him. Footsteps went across the room and I sat up in his bed and pulled Ellie and the covers up. Tears fell from y eyes quickly and I put my hands up quickly. 

"NO! NO! PLEASE! SIR IM SORRY! PLEASE!" I screamed and hands touched my arms.

"Hey, Celine, calm down. Its us." Mackenzie said. 

I hiccuped and opened my eyes, still balling my eyes out. "Daddy told us to come and snuggle with you. We will be here for you to cry on while he is gone." Bailyn said to me. 

My body began to shake and Bailyn handed me a paci. I took the paci and put it in my mouth. She then pulled a stuffie monkey from behind her back. I smiled at it and she let me hold onto it. 

"You can snuggle with Bobo till daddy comes back." She says and curls up in his bed. 





Xander, Ricardo, and I pulled up in front of 'Sir's' house. I still had yet to find out his name, but tonight he would be begging for mercy. I slammed the car door shut and I pictured my beautiful Celine, locked in chains in his basement. I pictured her, tied to the wall while the whip cracked open her skin. 

I tense up and was about to barge in the f.u.ckers home, but a hand was placed on my shoulder. 

"Brother, I know yo are angry because he broke into your home--" Ric started, but I cut him off. 

I shoved his hand from my body. "I am NOT fu.cki.ng angry because that bas.tard broke into MY home! I am angry because he put his hands on my baby girl. My beautiful innocent Cleine Sanches. My innocent beautiful girl. He marked her body with bruises!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs. 

Xander stepped in front of Ric. "Let's go in there and let out men tear through his sh.it. We will make him beg tonight brother." Xander said, looking at Ric. 

I nodded and one od Ric's men kicked open the door. He stepped to the side and let me walk in. I was fuming and I went straight up the stairs with Xander and Ric behind me. Xander and Ric barged though all the closed doors but I already knew where that fu.c.ker was. He would be in his chambers. 

At the end of the hall, there was a closed door and I turned the knob, only to find it locked. I stepped back and then brought my leg up to kick the door down. I had to kick the door a few times but eventually the door busted. I flipped the switch once and I stood front and center. 

Before my eyes, I saw him with Celine under him. Celine was crying as he ruined her. Pain was radiating Celine's face. He just looked at me with a smirk on his face as he slapped Celine's a/ss. "Daddy!" She cried, looking at me. "Help me, Im hurting." She said. 

"What the fu.c.k is going on?!" 'Sir' yelled with Xander's arm around neck and his privates out. 

I looked in the bed to find a small girl with the blankets pulled around her. IT wasn't my baby, it was some random girl. "Get out of here love. US men have to take care of some business." I say gently. 

She nods, taking her blanket around her body and she runs. Ric closed the door behind him and Xander kept his hand tightly around 'sir's' neck. I dug my hand in my back pocket and found a pocket knife. I flipped it open and i walked slowly over to him. Xander stepped out of the way and pushed the man against the wall.

"What is your name?" I shout in his ear. 

He gulps and he keeps his mouth shut. I push the knife against his skin, on the back of his neck, digging the knife in. "Name." I say. 

He shouts in pain, "Gavin!" He mutters, gripping the back of his neck. 

"Well Gavin, you know why I'm here. These two nice men behind me will be taking care of you, after I hurt you." I say, sliding the knife against the side of his cheek. 

He flinches and he turns his head away. I looked at Ric and I know that he is dying to get some of his anger out because I yelled at him. I smirk, look down and see that he likes the pain. His privates haven't gone soft yet. 

I run the knife down his chest, drawing blood, before I slide the knife across his di.c.k. Blood immediately flowed out and he sank to his knees, screams echoing my ears. While he was down, I gave him a hard kick to the stomach. 

"You might want to get some bandages to get that blood to stop." I say, walking towards the door. 

"I'm going to get Celine's belongings, Gavin. I hope you don't mind me snooping around your pretty little mansion." I say, and wipe the blood from my blade on a towel that was hanging from the door. 

"He's all yours, Ric." I say and leave Xander with him. 






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I shut the suitcase with Celine's pajamas and some of her stuffied that she talked about. I made sure that all of the men that came with us, left with us. We lined up in our cars and my driver took us away from Gavin Underwood's mansion. 

I walked into my room and saw my baby girl's all curled up together. I smiled and at them and took a picture. Before I was going to sleep, I had to shower to get this mans blood from my body. 

the shower ran down my body and I leaned my head against the door. My babygirl was free from that bastard. It felt good to unleash how I knew that Celine was feeling, even if she was my innocent baby. 

The glass door opened and then hands were around my waist. 

"Daddy," Celine's voice whimpered. 

I immediately turned around and held her in my arms. She put her hands around my neck and she cried. "Take my pain away not please." She cried. 

My heart broke at her voice and I kissed the top of her head. I pushed us under the complete spray of the water and her body shivered into mine. 

"Daddy is always here for you baby. Now daddy will take your pain away." I said and I looked down at her to kiss her for the first time. 




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