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My head snapped to the side as he slapped me full force on the cheek.

I kept my head down not allowing him to see the hurt in my eyes, or the hurt in my heart, or the pain all over my body.

No, I was stronger than that, I would not let him see it; he already called me  weak, pathetic and out of place.

"Look at me," he growled menacingly. 

I kept my head down and I literally felt his fury radiating off him.

An iron hand wrapped around my throat and it lifted my head, but before my eyes made contact with his face I closed them.

"Human", he spat, "I said look at me.", his voice was dangerously low.

I knew he was playing a game with me, I had done it once and I had payed for it.

The grip around my throat tightened and it became difficult to breath.

"Look at me", His voice had turned into a seducing velvety whisper. "I know you want to."

My soul tugged at my heart, while it was crying silent tears which I sealed in the deepest abyss of my being.

"I said look at me", his dominant but perfect voice purred close to my ear.

He knew what he wanted but he didn't allow himself, that's why me looking at him was forbidden.

It brought out his monster, the beast that could only be tamed by one person.



Why hello, I'm so happy that you are here! 

I hope you enjoy!


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