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You, Keith, and Shiro rounded a corner with Pidge staying further behind. Shiro stopped, however, and looked down the opposite hallway. You stopped walking and turned around to face him. He was just staring out into the hallway, almost in a daze.

"Shiro," you called, placing a hand on his arm. He snapped out of his trance and looked back to you. "You okay?" He nodded.

"Yeah, let's go," he said, resuming walking.

"Shiro just had to remember! Pidge I swear to god—!" You grumbled angrily to yourself. You were currently with Keith running down a hallway. Pidge had wanted to separate to search for her brother, and Shiro didn't want her to go alone. You both stopped when it was a two way hallway. "Well shit. Now which way?" Keith stared up at the Galra emblem for a second.

"I don't know—" he was interrupted by footsteps approaching you two. You both looked behind you and took off to the left.

"Do we even know where the hell we're going?" You asked from behind Keith.

"No, but we'll find out!" He replied, turning down more hallways. You turned down more hallway, but you just ended up where you started. "Ugh! Come on!" You sighed and stood next to him.

"Keith, calm down. Remember, patience yields focus," you reminded. He looked at you and nodded, closing his eyes and muttering that under his breath. After a minute, his eyes opened again.

"Gotcha," he said with a smirk, turning around and running back down the hallway.

"What—hey! Wait for me jackass!!!" You exclaimed, running after him. "Did you track down the Red Lion!?" You matched his pace. He nodded, panting.

"Yeah, come on!" He replied, picking up the pace with you not that far behind him. You two turned down different hallways before you arrived at the chamber where the Red Lion was. He stopped for a moment before walking up to it and placing his hand on the barrier.

"Let's get out of here. Open up," he said. You raised your brow at him and crossed your arms. "It's me. Keith. Your buddy." You sighed and placed your hand on your forehead.

"It's me!" He said a little louder. P/n yipped in slight annoyance. "Keith! I am your Paladin!" You cringed in second-hand embarrassment.

"Oh my god..." You muttered. He tapped the barrier twice. You perked up at the sound of footsteps and brought out your sword. "Keith! Don't mean to interrupt your 'bonding' moment, but we have company!" You slashed at a sentry. Keith jumped out of the way of lasers and you punched a sentry into two more.

"I'm bonding with you!" Keith shouted, forming his shield. You groaned, smashing another sentry to the ground.

'The dumbass.' You thought, letting P/n grow in size and bite the sentries in half with her metal jaws.

"Hey! Come on! We're connected!" Keith shouted again.

"I'm getting really annoyed," you muttered, your purple eye glowing softly. Keith summoned his bayard and began to fight the sentries as well.

"It's about time you fight, you piece of shit!" You exclaimed, slashing another sentry.

"Shut up!" Keith exclaimed, "You're not getting this lion!" He struck down another. More sentries shot through Keith's shield and sent him to the ground. You finished off the sentry and ran to the control panel and pressed the button, opening the hatch to space. Keith was almost sucked in, but you grabbed his wrist and held onto the panel. P/n used her claws and bolted herself to the floor. You looked back up at the Red Lion.

"Come on Red..." You whispered. A piece fell from the ceiling and landed on your hand, loosening your grip. Another piece of rubble fell, causing you to let go. P/n barked and jumped after you. You kept a firm grip on Keith and pulled him closer to your body as you all were tumbling through space. You heard a roar and saw the Red Lion fly in front of you and placed you inside it. Keith sat down on the chair and took ahold of the handles. P/n appeared and landed on your shoulder, whimpering softly.

"I'm fine, girl," you said comfortingly. You then looked at Keith and leaned over his chair. "'I'm bonding with you?' Good one, Keith." You chuckled.

"Shut up. What else was I suppose to do?" He inquired. You shrugged.

"I don't know, you could've approached it calmer and nicer," you replied while raising a brow and smirking.

"It doesn't matter anymore. We have it now," he said, making the Red Lion take off into the sky.

You all arrived back at the castle and placed the four lions together. Shiro was standing in the middle of the room, waiting for the Black Lion. The eyes of the lions began to glow and Allura had begun to open the door. The door in front of Shiro slowly began to raise, revealing the huge lion.

"Whaaat? Lucky..." You muttered, drooping a little. The Black Lion roared, causing the rest of the lions to roar as well. "Shiro you lucky bastard..." Soon the alarms began to blare, and a Galra ship appeared to be falling into Arus's atmosphere.

"Oh shit," you muttered with P/n barking from your shoulder.

"Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere. We need Voltron now!" Allura ordered. The others ran towards their lions, but Lance stopped for a brief second.

"What about you?" He asked, turning to look at you. You and P/n glanced at each other and smirked.

"Don't worry about us. I'll be there," you replied. Lance nodded and and ran to his lion.

"But Y/n, what are you going to do?" Coran asked. You turned around and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll be fine," you replied, turning back around and letting P/n jump down from your shoulder. You began to walk out of the main control room.

"Y/n! Be careful!" Allura called out. You waved over your shoulder, leaving the room and looking at P/n.

"You ready girl?" You asked, allowing your eyes glowing softly. However, the shaking of the castle threw you off balance. "The ion cannon..." You looked at P/n and nodded.

"Let's go!" You exclaimed.

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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