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Allura straightened up, but never changed her expression.

"It's apparent that Y/n's absence has affected you all in some way. I, for one, will take it upon myself, and welcome you back to the castle. You and I have many differences, but I'm sure in the future, we may overcome them," Allura said, walking up to you and placing her hands on your shoulders, "I apologize, Y/n. I was wrong to judge you so quickly and make irrational decisions. My hatred and mistrust for the Galra blinded me, and I'm sorry." She dropped her head. You sighed quietly.

"Okay, I'll be honest, you're still on my goddam nerves, and while I understand why you'd be angry at the Galra, it's bullshitery that you had automatically assumed I was with them," you replied. Allura dropped her arms from your shoulders.

"I know. I realize I may never be forgiven, but please. Just know that I am incredibly sorry," she said, her eyes softening. You looked at her with unreadable eyes.

"I'll think about it," you replied before walking past her. You walked up to the Paladins when Lance wasted no time and had hugged you tightly. You hugged him back just as tightly and stayed there for a few minutes.

"I missed you..." He said into your ear. You smiled.

"Yeah, I missed you too," you replied, breaking the hug and cupping his face softly before releasing him, and looking at the others. Hunk walked up to you and trapped you in a bear hug. You giggled and tried to hug him back. He let you go and Pidge immediately ran up to you.

"I'm so glad you're here again! I have so much to tell you," she said, her eyes becoming wide and sparkly. You laughed and rubbed her head, causing her to complain, but did nothing to stop you. Shiro walked up to you and smiled at you, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"It's good to have you back, Y/n," he said, sounding more happy. You smiled at him.

"Aw, did you miss me that much?" You asked teasingly. He stared at you, surprised and confused for a second, before turning his head away.

"Well..." He muttered. You snorted. (Edit: hE'S GAY)

"Hey, I was joking," you reassured, tapping his shoulder and walking past him. Last was Keith, who was standing there watching everything. "What about you, Keith? How've you been?" A cross between a smirk and a smile came up to your face.

"I never expected you to stay away. It was obvious you wouldn't. So I never doubted yohu," e replied, crossing his arms. You hummed, raising your brows.

"Wow, I'm honored," you replied, "... oh yeah... you remember your fight with Zarkon?" He raised a brow at you.

"Yeah?" He replied questioningly. You then slapped him upside the head.

"That's for cutting me off, ya bitch!" You exclaimed, watching as he rubbed his head in pain.

"Sorry! I was... too caught up in the moment," he apologized.

"Yeah, no fucking shit," you said with a loud sigh.

"Alright, everything is cleared now." You said while entering P/n's hangar. She barked, her eyes glowing brightly. She shrunk and jumped onto your shoulder. "Of course I'm not going to forgive her that easily, but I think we're on better terms now." You petted her on the head. She yipped in reply.

"Uh... Y/n?"
You turned around and saw Lance standing behind you.

"Hey Blue Boy, what's up?" You asked, turning to fully face him.

"Y/n, I uh... wanted to ask you something important..." He replied, clasping his hands together behind his back. You hummed and tilted your head.


"Do you think..." He started, his eyes lowering to the ground. You looked at him in slight concern. "Do you think... I'm good for anything?" You almost shit out your heart. Was that really what he thought about himself? Oh hell no.

"What do you mean?" You asked carefully, wanting him to explain further before you said anything.

"It's just... when you left, we still continued with missions. I mean, Keith is an amazing fighter, Shiro is strong and leader-like, Pidge is super smart, Hunk is... well, Hunk... Allura and Coran run the castle and fight... what is there that I can do? Anything special?" He asked. The look on his face and the tone in his voice reminded you of the time he was homesick. You glanced at P/n before walking forwards and placnig your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at you.

"You, my good sir, are okay at everything. Which means..." You started, placing your other hand on his shoulder and staring at him straight in the eyes with a smile. "You are the most well-rounded paladin." A look of shock flashed across his face.

"Really?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah. You may not have special powers, but hard work beats talent. You may not be the strongest, but that doesn't mean you can't be, either. I believe in you. You are a lot greater than you give yourself credit for. I'll make sure you see just how badass and beautiful of a person you are. Even if I have to beat your ass to get it through your head," you replied, squeezing his shoulders. He lightly smiled at you.

"Thank you, Y/n. Love—"


"!!!" Lance's face slowly turned red as you tilted your head in confusion. "He-heheh, I think I hear someone calling me—coming!!!!!" He ran out of the hangar. You and P/n stared at each other in slight confusion before shrugging.

"Idiot... how could you let it slip like that?" Lance groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. "Great... now she probably thinks I'm weird." He walked down the hall. The mice who were hiding behind a corner quickly scurried away. They entered the vents and ran to where Allura was, dropping onto her shoulder and head, squeaking into her ear.

"Lance what—?" She gasped, hearing what the mice were saying. "Oh my... it seems Y/n is in a love... square?" 

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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