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'Why am I always like this...' You thought, your eye twitching. You were flying alongside the other Paladins, outside of their hover vehicles. The plan was to infiltrate the Galra ship that held the comet in it before it was transferred to the base. Problem is, the ship attacked the base before it docked. Why, you don't know.

"The most important thing is for you to get eyes on that comet. Second is figuring out who we're dealing with," you heard Shiro say. It was weird. He was gone for a while, but now to suddenly have him back is... strange. The five of them all parked their vehicles behind a large rock and got dismounted them.

"Y/n. Can you scout out for anyone?" Keith asked. You nodded at him.

"Yeah," you replied. You slid on your ice out of your hiding spot and slid up it like a ramp. You got up high into the air. You looked around, surveying the area. "It's clear." From down below, you saw the five of them run past your ice ramp. You beat them to the landing dock and waited for them to catch up.

"Oh dear lord..."
After carefully making your way through the ship, you all arrived at the chamber where the comet was held. Except the comet wasn't a comet anymore.

'It's a damn ship...' You thought, staring up at it.

"No, it can't be! He's already made a ship from the comet's ore?" Allura asked.

"Oh, this is bad," Lance commented.

"More like horrible," Pidge flatly corrected.

"Guys..." You heard Shiro say from the radio. Pidge pulled Shiro's image up on her wrist thing. "There's a piece of the teledav inside the Galra base."

"The one we used to wormhole Zarkon's ship?" Lance asked, leaning closer to Pidge.

"But they would never be able to operate it without an Altean." Allura suddenly gasped. "Zarkon's witch! She had Altean markings."

"Is anyone kind of freaking out?" Hunk asked, looking around.

"Yep, mark me down for one freak out," Lance raised his hand.

"Alright, alright, calm down," you soothed, walking in between them.

"Lotor must be nearby. We need to find him and take him out for good," Keith instructed.

"Team, you cannot let Lotor get that ship. You need to get back to your lions. You need Voltron with Y/n providing support," Shiro ordered.

"Why take out one ship when we can stop all of this by taking out Lotor himself? We can't let him keep outsmarting us," Keith argued back. You sighed quietly and began rubbing your temples.

"That's exactly why we can't risk letting Lotor gave that ship. This is too important," Shiro countered.

"Keith, I want to stop Lotor just as badly as you, but Shiro has a point," Allura spoke up. Keith went quiet for a moment.

"Okay, you guys go back to the lions. I'm gonna search the ship for Lotor," Keith said.

"No. You need to stick together. You can't afford to get separated at this time," you quickly argued back.

"Yeah, I'm with Y/n on this one," Lance agreed.

"As am I."
"Me too."
"Yeah man."

"... fine. Let's move."
You could tell from his tone that he wasn't happy. He turned around and began walking out of the chamber, followed by all of you. You all ran down the large hallways, but stopped when the door in front of you slid open. Four figures stood in front of you.

"You!" You exclaimed.

"Hey, it's the pretty girl from before!" Ezor exclaimed.

"You know them?!" Lance asked, snapping his head in your direction.

"I saw them in the ship when Lotor attacked us," you replied. Zethrid growled before jumping into the air and aiming her fist at Allura. You created a thick pillar of ice in front of her that cracked and shattered from Zethrid's fist.

"Move! Allura!" You exclaimed. She listened and jumped out of the way. Narti darted out from behind Zethrid and ran at Pidge who fired her grappling hook at her, but Narti dodged and swiped Pidge's legs out from under her using her tail. Narti ran at Hunk and easily hit him to the ground with her tail. Lance shot at her, but kept missing. Acxa jumped into the air with her gun out. She shot at Lance's shield, but the force knocked him back. You slid over to her on your ice and jumped off the frozen ramp, flipping in the air until your head was facing the ground. Your laser gun appeared in your hand and you shot the gun out of Acxa's hand. You landed on the ground and took off towards Acxa, but Ezor threw something in your direction, causing you to back off to dodge it. Narti ran at you and you threw a punch, but she easily dodged it.

"Stay still!!" You exclaimed, ice coating the floor. Ezor's leg got caught in the ice, so she was immobilized. The others regrouped on the other side of the room. You joined them and created an ice wall in front of you.

"We don't have time for this. We need to get to the lions," Keith instructed. Lance raised his hand in a thumbs up from his place on the floor.

"Good idea..." He groaned weakly. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his scruff, hauling him up onto his feet. The ice wall in front of you shattered and you saw Zethrid begin to run after you, but was stopped by Acxa. You didn't look back.

"Y/n, can you take care of the cargo ship?" You heard Shiro ask.

"Of course I can," you replied. Voltron was engaging with the ship that was made out of the comet, and the castle was busy recovering from the two powerful blasts it endured. You flew towards the ship and held out your hand, creating a ball of magic.

"Come on, you piece of shit..." You muttered. The ship flew in your direction and shot out an energy beam at you.

"Y/n, look out!" Lance yelled. You looked behind you to see the beam flying at you. With fast reflexes you covered yourself with your wing and endured being pushed by back by the energy. "Y/n!"

"I'm fine!" You assured, turning around and aiming your magic ball at the ship again. The ball charged up before shooting out energy beams of electricity that clung to the teleduv and shorted it out before causing all of the important things to explode. You heard the ship charge up behind you and turned around to see the ship charging up its cannon. It sent out that same beam that hit you earlier. It zoomed to you, but you stayed there. It wasn't until it got five feet in front of you that you turned your body sideways and let the beam go straight through the teledav, finishing it off and completely destroying it. The ship charged up again and shot at you once more, but Voltron intercepted and blocked you from the blast with itself. Before you could fully process, the ship flew away from you and disappeared deep into space. You watched it go.

Going off plotline now lolol.

Going off plotline now lolol

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Edit: Going very off plotline

Ja ne!

(Ruby Red)

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