*deep breath* //SHRIEKS//

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"Coran. How soon will we get to the Blade of Marmora's base?" Shiro asked. All eight of you were in the control room, intending to get to the Blade of Marmora's base. You were slouching in Lance's chair who was standing up.

"Based on the coordinates that Ulaz gave us, we should be there within a few dobashes," Coran replied.

"I can't wait to see it!" Pidge piped up, genuinely excited. You sunk down in the chair more, P/n yawning next to you despite sleeping for most of the morning. "I mean, they were able to fold space time and that was just an outpost!"

"Mm, the space taco. It left us too soon," Hunk added to that.

'I want a taco...' You sulked, listening to Hunk.

"Well, sure, but my point is, imagine how amazing their home base will be!"

"Exactly. It could take on any shape. Like a space jelly donut. Or long, like a space éclair. Or a space cheese blintz with a cherry sauce on top. Maybe a dusting of powdered sugar. That's the stars."

"Awe! Now I'm hungry for breakfast," Lance whined.

"Me too..." You sulked.

"Guys, this is a serious, mission. We need to focus," Keith scolded.

"We NeEd To FoCuS!" Lance mocked.

"The base is in range," Coran said.

"Take us in slowly," Shiro ordered.

"That might prove the tinniest bit of a challenge.

"Is that a black hole?" Hunk asked. You stood up from the chair and walked up next to Coran. In front of you seemed to be two black holes on each end of a giant blue star.

"No, no, no, no, no. It's two black holes and a giant blue star," Coran replied.

"That's not better." Your brow twitched.

"No kidding. Just inside a black hole the temperature is one millionth of a degree above absolute zero. But, just outside of that, It's hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius," Pidge explained.

"Okay, it's like when you try and nuke a frozen burrito in the microwave, and it comes out all scorching hot on the outside, but it's still frozen in the middle, right?" Hunk clarified.

'Wait... am I a frozen burrito?' You thought, #SelfAwareness #Edit:I'llOffMyself

"Now I'm hungry for lunch!"

"Guys, quiet! Coran, where's the base located?" Keith asked, standing up.

"In between those three deadly celestial objects," he replied, zooming in on the holographic image on the screen.

"The perfect defensive position," Pidge said.

"Or the perfect trap," Allura added.

"Yeah, I'm with Allura. Maybe we shouldn't, like, go in there at all?" Hunk agreed.

"Ehhh? Where's the fun in that?" You whined, frowning at them.

"What are you talking about? We have to go in! This is the whole reason we came out here! There is no other option!" Keith exclaimed. Everyone stared at him in shock at his sudden outburst.

"Keith," you called, causing him to turn his head to you. You slowly moved your hand downwards. "Calm down." You saw his shoulders drop before he turned to face the front. There was a beep before text appeared on the screen.

"Identify yourself."

"Open a hailing frequency, Coran," Shiro ordered, "We are the Paladin's of Voltron, sent here by Ulaz." There was a moment of silence before the text on the screen changed.

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