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You and P/n had left Cantabo and travelled farther through space.

"You know what I noticed?" You asked P/n. She grunted. "We haven't run into any Galra. Or at least, Galra who've tried to capture me. It's weird, isn't it?" She barked and you sighed. Suddenly, a notification popped up on the dashboard. You tilted your head and pressed the button. A familiar face then appeared on the screen. Your chest immediately tightened.

"What do you want?" You asked, somewhat annoyed that he disrupted the peace.

"I need your help," he replied, calm and composed. You sighed and leaned back into your chair.

"What now, Shiro?" You asked, rubbing your face with your hands.

"Allura, she's gone," he started. You looked at him with furrowed brows.

"What do you mean 'gone?'" You asked, leaning forwards and crossing your arms.

"She's on Zarkon's ship right now. She sacrificed herself to save me. We need your help," Shiro explained. You sighed.

'What should I do? That piece of shit threw me off her ship and accused me of working with my father. Then again, she was the one who gave me a place on the team and she does have a right to distrust me...' You thought, biting your lip.

"Please Y/n," Shiro's voice started, "I know all of the things she's put you through, but please, we need your help." His voice was pleading.

"That would be very nice!" Coran's voice was heard. You sighed and rubbed the bridge of your nose.

"Y/n," Lance's voice was then heard, his face popping up on the screen. "Please. We can't do this without you. You're the only one who has Zarkon's trust." You stared at him for a moment before rubbing your temples.

"Aright... what do I have to do?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"You have to go to Zarkon's main ship. You need to distract him long enough so that we can form Voltron and find her," Shiro instructed.

"And? What if other Galra see or sense you enter their border?" You asked.

"I don't know..." Shiro replied quietly. You let out a quiet groan.

"Alright, fine. I'll see what I can do, just... hold on until then," you sighed.

"Thank you so much, Y/n," Shiro said, his expression softening.

"Yeah, happy to help... bye," you replied, ending the call and rubbing your eyes. "Come on P/n. Let's go hand ourselves to Zarkon." You took ahold of the handles once more. She growled and took off.

"Well, what did she say?" Hunk asked.

"She said she'll do it. She'll help us," Shiro replied to the brunette.

"We really owe her," Keith suddenly said. They all looked at him questioningly. "First, she gets accused of working with Zarkon, then she gets thrown out of the castle without us even defending her, and to top it off, we asked her to basically give herself up to Zarkon to help get Allura and get the heck out of there." Keith crossed his arms.

"Keith's right. We owe her more than we could ever repay," Coran stated, rubbing his mustache.

"We can worry about that later, let's wait for Y/n's signal," Shiro ordered.

You landed on top of Zarkon's ship and cut your way in. You landed in a large room and looked around with P/n on your shoulder. You didn't recognize the room you were in.

'Where am I?' You thought.

"Ah, my dear daughter."

'Never mind...' You thought while deadpanning. Zarkon turned his head and looked at you with his glowing fuchsia eyes. P/n slightly wimpered and retracted back. "I knew you'd return." He fully turned his body. You huffed quietly.

"I'm not here to join you, I'm here to make amends," you said, walking closer to him.

"And what is it you want to mend?" He asked, obvious amusement laced in his voice.

"I'll never agree with you, nor will I ever join you and whatever... the hell you're doing, or attempting to do," you started. He hummed, signaling he's listening. "I will also never forgive you for what you did to mom. However, I'm willing to let that go. I'm not necessarily forgiving you, I'm just pushing it past us. I'll stop fighting against you and I'll stop attempting to kill you. On one condition."

"I'm listening," he urged.

"I'll do all that if you tell me the real reason as to why killing mom was your only resort," you finished. He hummed in thought.

"I see no harm in telling you," he agreed, beginning to walk towards you. "When I first met your mother she was still a princess. She was a princess on the outside, but fiercesome on the inside. I almost lost my head when I had accidentally insulted her."

'Well now I know where I get my temper from...' You thought with a sigh.

"Her parents soon fell ill and had died merely a month later. M/n was then crowned queen at the age of 18," Zarkon added, "Years had gone by and I finally was able to ask M/n if she'd marry me." He began to circle you.

'This sounds weird coming from the mouth of the ruthless Galra emperor...' You thought, holding back a sigh.

"She agreed, and it was genuine love. Though I haven't known or felt that feeling in millennia. I was crowned Prince of Glacies. Because of the bloodline, I was not able to claim the title of king, since it was of a higher status that M/n. Years went by, and M/n continued to rule Glacies and I was the Black Paladin of Voltron," Zarkon explained, standing in front of you. "I had visited planet Glacies to see how your mother was doing, only to find out she was pregnant with you. I was ecstatic. Knowing I'll have an heir to the throne was exhilarating." He stepped closer to you, and you had to look up at him.

"But that exhilaration soon vanished when your mother had you."


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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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