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The Paladins, Coran, and Allura surrounded Lance as he ate. He had recovered from the attack, and was awake, and eating.

"By the way... where's Y/n?" Lance asked after the conversation beforehand had ended. It got quiet. The atmosphere immediately dropped.

"Ask Allura," Keith replied. Lance turned his head to Allura who only crossed her arms and looked away.

"Is Y/n alright?" Lance asked again.

"We don't know. Allura had ordered Y/n to leave the castle," Pidge replied bitterly.

"What?!" Lance exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table and standing up.

"I had every right to. Y/n's Zarkon's daughter. She can't be trusted," Allura defended. Lance took a double take, eyes widening.

"What? Y/n's... Zarkon's daughter...?" Lance repeated slowly.

"Unfortunately, yes," Shiro confirmed.

"No... that's..." Lance trailed off, sitting back into his chair. "But Y/n can't be... she's nothing like that..." Besides Lance's muttering, no one said a word.

"Where is she?" He asked again.

"We don't know. She left when you were still unconscious," Hunk replied.

"How could you do that to her?" Lance asked, never turning to face Allura.

"Y/n is Galran. Who knows what her ties are," Allura replied, but she faltered slightly.

"I'm finding her," Lance declared, standing up.

"You can't," Keith said, immediately going to block him.

"Why not?"

"You can't just chase her. You have a job to do."

"And I refuse to do it if Y/n's not here."

"I don't know, girl. I guess we should just land when we're tired. It'll be easier for you," you said to her from inside the helm. You heard P/n whine. "I know you miss them. I do too, but... they've, at least Allura, don't trust us anymore. Perhaps I should've seen this coming." Flying closer to some planets, you began to hear singing. It wasn't that loud, but it was enough that you could hear it, even from up way above its atmosphere.

"P/n do you hear that?" You asked. P/n barked in reply. You leaned forwards and looked down at a planet. "Is it coming from there?" You squinted your eyes at it before leaning back in your seat.

"P/n, want to take a small break?" You asked. Without warning, P/n had nose-dove towards the planet. "WAIT WAIT WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT PLANET THAT IS!" You tried to slow P/n down. The planet info then appeared on your dashboard.

"The planet's name is Cantabo and its inhabitants are Songstresses and and Songsters," you read out. You then shrugged. "Cool."

Lance had walked back to his room after the whole ordeal in the dining hall. When he entered his room, he saw a box and a note on his bed. Curiously, he walked up to it and carefully opened the note first.

'Dear Lance,
     I'm giving you five, plus Allura and Coran, these necklaces made from the crystal on Glacies. I figured I wouldn't be able to give you these in person, so I'm asking you to do it. These crystals will heal small things like cuts or bruises rather quickly, but more serious or severe injuries take longer, but still faster than regular recovering. If the others don't accept these, or Allura doesn't allow them, then that's fine. I'm not forcing you to wear them.
     If you're worried about me, and that's a big if, don't. I'm fine as long as I have P/n. Focus on your missions, train hard, and don't do any stupid shit. I'll see you again.

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