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Lotorxreader bonding moment!

You flew deep into space at max speed. The tracker programmed in your armor showed you weren't that far from him.

'This is annoying. Allura's going to put me through the wringer.' You thought, scowling at the thought. The red dot (you) grew closer to blue dot (Lotor). It wasn't hard to spot him, though, because multiple fleets were chasing after him. With a pained groaned, you took off.

'He owes me!' Your sword appeared and you spun around the entirety of a cruiser, scraping your sword against its side. The whole thing exploded and collapsed. Fighters flew out of the ships, coming after you. You held out your hand and a blast of ice cold air flew past them, freezing them in their tracks. When you zoomed by them, they all shattered. You flew past all of them, landing on the front of Lotor's ship. You looked at him through the window.

"Need some help?" You teased with a smirk. If he replied, you didn't hear him. You looked above the ship's top and sent lightning soaring towards the closest cruiser. The ion cannon from one of them was charged and shot. You shrieked when Lotor swerved the ship into a belly roll.


"Prepare yourself," was all you got from him.

'Oh god...'
The ship gained speed and you moved to the top of the ship. It moved into hyperdrive and a few seconds after, a bright star was in front of you.


"Just shut up and trust me!"
You growled and placed your palm on the ship. A thick layer of ice slowly coated the outside. Enough to protect it somewhat from the heat, but not enough to mess with it. You traversed close to the surface. Being exposed to solar flares wasn't good for you, but you bore it by continuously coating yourself with ice. He moved closer to the surface, trying to shake them off of you. The fighters behind you exploded one by one.  He flew terribly close to the sun, to the point where your ice was beginning to melt. You didn't do well in heat and this wasn't helping.

Finally, he pulled up and away. You looked behind you to see the cruisers hovering, no doubt recovering from the radiation, gravity, and heat. You pointed a finger at them and lightning zapped from your finger, destroying one of them before you two flew up.

"... okay what the fuck was that?" You asked after a moment of recovery. 

"My father is dead set on killing us both. I figured it was only right for both of his children to go at the same time," he said through the comm.

"Okay I understand we're basically in the same boat, but unlike you, I don't want to die."
A sigh left him.

"I don't wish to perish, either," he admitted, "Which is why I called you here." Realization flashed across your mind.

"You need me to protect you." You couldn't help the smug that creeped into your voice. "The Prince Lotor needs help from his illegitimate sibling?"

"Can you blame me? You've gone through as much pain as I have." His retort made any superiority leave you.

"Fair point."
A sudden pulse of dark magic caught your attention.

"Hey, do you feel that?" You asked, looking behind you.

"The oncoming headache? Unfortunately."

"No, dimwit, the magic. Haggar?" You stood up.

"Team, what's going on over there?" You spoke into the com, "I felt dark energy pulsing. Are you alright?"

"We're alright," Pidge replied, "The gravity on Naxzela shot through the roof. Voltron isn't able to move."

"Where are you now?"

"Near the core of Naxzela. We're trying to shut down the energy field."

"I'm coming there now."

"How's everything on Cantabo?" It was Shiro who spoke.

"... it's fine. I took care of it. I'll be there in a few." You cut off communication after that.

"Are you leaving?" Lotor asked. You let out a sigh.

"I have to. You don't need me anymore. Good luck." You took off faster than he could reply. You flew through space faster than the eye—or sensor—could see. When you arrived back at Naxzela, you put on the breaks. A purple shield surrounded the planet.

'What is that?' You flew closer to it, inspecting it. You placed a hand on the shield, but an electric shock traveled up your arm.

'This shield should've cut our communications.' You thought. You clasped your hands together in fists and banged them against the shield. You were blown away, but you persisted. Your sword appeared in your hand and you attempted to pierce it. Light blasted out of it, pressure pushing you back.

"Come...! On...! You...! STUPID...! THING!!!!!!" The tip of your sword punctured through. A chain reaction occurred. Electricity pulsed and danced along the surface. Your body and skin burned. Opening your eyes, you could faintly see Voltron flying up towards you, coated in a blue light.

"HURRY IT UP!!!" You yelled. The Red Lion was the one who punched through the weakened shield and picked you up in the process. You tumbled into the cockpit.

"Are you alright Y/n?" Lance asked. You slowly sat up with a groan.

"Yep... just... peachy," you sighed, flopping back down on the floor. "Just leave me here to die."

"Y/n! Are you there!?" Keith's voice came through the intercom. You sat up immediately, pain and drama gone.

"I'm here, what's wrong?" You answered.

"We need your help! We have to destroy the cruiser's shield before Naxzela blows!"

"I'm on my way." You flew from the Red Lion and took off in the direction of the cruiser. It was quite a way's away. The cruiser had something attached to its lower section with a protective shield around it. The Rebels were avoiding lasers and trying to destroy it.

"I'm engaging!" You said, throwing lightning. It electrocuted it, but it just merely bounced off the surface. You sighed angrily.

"Follow my lead! We've gotta break through that shield!" Keith said. The Rebels shot their lasers at the shield, but it didn't budge. You brought out your sword and threw it. The blade collided with it, a bright light erupting before it exploded. The shield didn't even have a dent in it. A feral growl left your throat. From the corner of you eyes, you could see a fighter flying towards the shield.

'Who... is...' Your eyes widened.

"KEITH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?" You yelled through the com. He kept flying. "KEITH NO!"

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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