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You reached your arm out, ice flying towards Keith's ship. Before it reached him, and before his ship could reach the shield, a laser shot right through the ship and its shield. A large explosion began to expand.

"Oh sHIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!" You flew away from the explosion and out of its radius. When you turned back around, you saw an all-too-familiar ship fly by. "Oh god..." You sighed, shaking your head. When the explosion died down, the remnants of the ship was floating through space. The cruiser, which held Haggar, took off into hyperdrive.

"Attention, Paladins of Voltron, rebel fighters, and Y/n L/n," Lotor's voice came through your comm, "I know we've had our differences in the past, but... I think it is time we had a discussion."

You were in a lower part of the castle. While the others went on missions without you, you were in charge of watching Lotor... even though he was, basically, your prisoner and kept in an air-locked chamber.  It was silent between you two. You didn't know what to say to him.

"I must admit, out of all of them, you've been the most open with me," he spoke first, but he didn't look at you.

"Well, unlike them, if you tried anything with me, I'd probably break every bone in your body."

"So that's why they assigned you, the brute, to watch me," he said thoughtfully. You scoffed, crossing your arms.

"Perhaps," you agreed.

"Tell me, why did they leave you to watch me? I'm stuck inside of this chamber and don't have any special powers to get out." His gaze finally slid over to you.

"Who knows."

"Perhaps they're trying exclude you from their group."

"What?" Your head snapped around. "What are you talking about?" You and him locked eyes together.

"Think about it. When was the last time you went on a mission with them as a part of Voltron, and not as a convenient strong-arm to get out of pinching situations?" His head lowered, piercing blue eyes gazing into yours.

"I was never a true part of Voltron to begin with," you said, turning your head away from him. "Doesn't matter how much I try. I don't have a lion... or... anything to pilot, anymore." You sighed and shook your head.

"I'm telling you, Y/n, if we had the opportunity to form a team together, we would be an unstoppable force."

"I'm not going to sway from the Paladins because of a few pretty words," you asserted.

"It seems that you're not getting very far with them, as of right now."
You laughed lightly.

"You have absolutely not idea how to shut your mouth, do you?"

"When it comes to bettering the universe, no, I don't." He stood up from the bench and walked closer to where you stood. "You and I have a common enemy. Our father, Zarkon, and the witch, Haggar. We both want them dead."

"I thought Zarkon was dead. That's why they called you in," you said.

"You thought wrong," he replied, "He's alive. Barely, but still breathing."

"Oh Jesus God Mary and Joseph..." You sighed.

"You have a power no other being in the universe does," Lotor began, "You, a child of the Galra and Glaciens, a product of a trans-reality comet, has so much untapped power inside of you." He came so close to squishing his face against the glass.

"You could have the power of controlling quintessence in all of its forms. Including life itself."

"That's a power I'd rather not play with."

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