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Edit: Damn bruh

'I'm sorry...'
'I'm sorry!'
'I'm sorry... for lying to you...'

"HUH!?" You bolted up, staring at the wall opposite of you.

'What... the hell?' You thought, noticing your neck was soaked with sweat. You heard P/n whimper from next to you and you realized she must of had the same dream. You laid back in your bed and closed your eyes. P/n walked up next to you and laid near your head.

The next morning, it took a little bit longer for you to get up and enter the main control room. When you did, you noticed two people missing.

"Where's Keith? Where's Allura?" You asked, walking up behind Shiro.

"We're contacting them now," Shiro replied.

"Princess, Keith, where are you?" Coran asked.

"Exactly where we should be, far away from the castle," Allura's voice replied.

"What? Why?" Shiro asked.

"We must know if we are the ones Zarkon is tracking," Allura replied.

"The're isolating the variable. Well, isolating two variables," Pidge explained.

"In English, please?" Lance called across from her.

"In order to test a hypothesis..."

"I said English!"

"Ugh! Never mind!"

"Pidge is right. If Zarkon finds you despite my absence, we will know with total certainty that we are not the ones he is tracking," Allura agreed.

"Splitting us up like this is dumb as shit," you said, already irritated.

"Y/n is right. Come back to the castle immediately," Shiro added.

"I'm sorry Shiro. I cannot do that."

"If Zarkon does find us I can pilot us to safety. We're in wide open space with plenty of room to maneuver. Pluse we'd be able to outrun him. Pidge added that booster rocket," Keith argued.

"We need both of you back here now--!"
The castle shook, which set off the alarms.

"What's going on?" Shiro asked.

"We're in some sort of debris field," Hunk replied.

"I believe it's coming from Taujeer... correction, I think it is Taujeer!" Coran said.

"Coran, what's going on--" The comm cut out.

"Some kind of radiation from the planet is interfering with communications!"

"Move the castle away from the planet and reestablish the link. Everyon else, get to your lions."
You left a little bit before the others and arrived at the planet, slowly descending down onto the ground. Or what was left of it. You looked around and saw acid slowly rising to the surface.

You got out of P/n the same time Shiro did and ran up to one of the Taujeerians.

"Thank goodness you're here! I am Baujal, the leader of the Taujeerians. The Galra just destroyed our ship's engines and left," Baujal explained. You glanced over at P/n and saw she was leaning over the edge, gingerly swiping her paw at the rising acid.

She whimpered in embarrassment before trotting back over to you.

"They've taken everything. We must get everyone off the planet before it dissolves completely! Please, help us!" Baujal begged.

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