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The paladins, except Shiro, were all sitting in their chairs waiting for Shiro's signal. You were actually sitting in Shiro's chair, but you actively weren't doing anything. Shiro's image appeared on the large screen.

"Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location. Is everybody in position?" Shiro asked.

"We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two Vargas ago," Kolivan replied.

"He could've been captured," Antok commented.

"Or killed. We need to abort the mission immediately," Kolivan replied.

"Abort?" Allura spoke up, "No! We cannot back away now."

"The Blade of Marmora does not take chances. It's how we've survived for so long," Antok argued.

"It's held you back. Your caution is the reason Zarkon is still in power," Allura replied.

"We would rather wait than jeopardize everything. Besides, it's too late to get someone else on the inside," Kolivan explained. You immediately stood up.

"I'll do it."

"I'll do it."
You and Keith both looked at each other, shocked that you would volunteer yourselves.

"What?" Allura gasped. You glanced at Keith who nodded slightly.

"We'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship. We're Galra, So we'll be able to interact with their technology," you explained.

"Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods with a cloaking device, right?" Keith asked.

"Well, yeah," she replied.

"Going onto Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I would never command someone so inexperienced to on a mission so dangerous," Kolivan protested.

"I know the layout of the ship," you replied, "As long as they haven't changed anything, I can guide him through. You're not commanding us." You looked at Keith who nodded at you.

"We're doing it."

"Okay. The cloaking device is ready to go," Pidge said as she closed the control panel.

"Thanks Pidge," you replied. P/n yipped from your shoulder. The door slid open.

"Pidge... may I have a moment with Keith and Y/n, please?" Allura asked, stepping into the room. Pidge glanced between the three of you a couple of times before shrugging.

"Sure thing... have all the moments you like," she replied while walking out of the room. Allura began walking closer to the two of you when the large doors slid closed.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Keith asked. You glanced at Allura, your face blank.

'If she says something stupid I'm throwing her in a pod and shipping her off.' You thought, crossing your arms.

"I... I just wanted to say... the Galra, they've done terrible things. Destroyed entire civilizations. They took my family. But in time, I've grown to consider you and the paladins my family. So when I learned you were Galra, I... I didn't know what to think. I wanted to hate you."

"Allura... it's—" Keith breathed, averting his gaze to the floor.

"But it's not you," Allura interrupted, "It's me. My anger had blinded me for too long."

'No shit, I'm fucking glad you have eyes.' You thought, your brow twitching. Allura then turned her gaze to you.

"Y/n... because of you and your... carefully chosen words... I now realized just how hateful I've been."

"Yeah, you were sort of being an asshole."
Allura then ran up to both of you and gave you a hug, much to your shock.

"I'm so sorry I misjudged you," she said. You and Keith glanced at each other before slowly returning the hug, albeit awkwardly. "You've both proven, it's not what's in your blood. It's who you are that counts. Please come back to us."

"We will."

"I've got Zarkon on the hook. Bringing him your way. Keith, Y/n, you ready? We've only got one shot at this!" Shiro said through the intercom. You and Keith were in a pod, flying through space. P/n was also on your shoulder.

"Engaging cloaking device," you responded while pressing a button. The pod was cloaked and was now invisible.

"Moving toward the fleet now," Keith added as he sped up with pod.

"Roger that. I don't see you, but I'm locked on your signal. I'll clear a path," Shiro replied. You followed behind Shiro as he cut down different fighters. Keith drove the pod away from the explosions. Once you got close to the ship, Shiro moved out of the way.

"Thanks Shiro. I'm coming in hot!" Keith exclaimed while bulldozing into the ship. The pod crashed and glided against the floor. The sentries which were already there crashed against the pod before it slowed to a stop. The top of it disappeared long enough for you two to jump out and take out the remaining sentries.

"We're in!" Keith called, grabbing a gun and running. You and Keith ran across the large room which held all of the fighters, stopping behind a wall when two sentries cane walking by. The two of you ran to a door and you placed your hand on the pad. The thing beeped before the door opened. You let Keith in before you. You ran through various hallways before coming to an intersection. The two of you pressed against the wall.

"Okay, you've made it to the lower communication deck. Head left down that corridor," Kolivan said through the radio. You and Keith both followed his instructions. P/n was running on the floor alongside you.

"Based in the schematics from Thace, there should be a large door up ahead. This is the central hub for the Galra fleet," Antok explained.

"We see it," you replied as you ran closer to it. Once you got to the door, Keith placed his hand on the scanner. The door slid open and revealed a large room with a platform hanging over a chasm. The two of you, plus P/n, ran towards the computers.

"I'll cover you," you said to him, stopping in the middle and facing the door.

"Kolivan, I'm in. Now what?" Keith asked.

"Now you need to reset the system using the codes that Thace obtained. It'll be down for a dobash. That's when we'll upload the virus," Kolivan replied. You heard beeping come from the screen.

"It doesn't seem to be working," Keith said.

"Try again," Kolivan ordered. The sound of hissing alerted your attention.

"Get down Keith!" You exclaimed, watching him roll out of the open and behind panels. You jumped over the ledge and hung onto P/n who was latched onto the underside. You heard footsteps above you and labored breathing. You heard the doors open again.

"And now we know you were attempting to shut down the system."

'Are those Haggar's... druids?' You thought, recognizing the tone. You heard them fly over your hiding spot.

"You're too late," you heard the unfamiliar voice.

"No, Thace. You're too late. We already changed the code."

'Thace?' You thought.

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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