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I just realized that because of season three there are so many plot holes with Zarkon's backstory... *sigh* all right, here we go. Longer chapter because I haven't updated since the beginning of August and it's the beginning of October...

Edit: Bout time you fuckin realized you illiterate bitch.

You and the rest of the paladins were riding in your lions and wolf to the planet Olkarion.

"Why doesn't anyone ever send a distress signal from a cool place?" Pidge asked out loud, though she was probably talking more to herself. "I hate the outdoors. Nothing but sunburn and poison oak."

"Can't really say I'm that extroverted either," you chimed in.

"I like it out here. It's quiet," Keith piped up. Suddenly, arrows flew up and past you in a barrage. An arrow attached itself to P/n.

"What was that?" Hunk asked.

"Uh, are we being attacked?" Keith asked.

"Good job, dumbass, you had to jinx us," you said, annoyed.

"Hey! It's not my fault!"

"Enough you two. I don't know, but something's dragging my lion down to the surface." Shiro said as the lions and P/n slowly descended down.

"Yeah, something's pulling Blue down, too."
When the lions and P/n landed on the ground in a small clearing, there were a small group of Olkari waiting with their weapons drawn.

"Are those wooden mech suits?" Hunk asked.

"Are you kidding me? We got taken down by a bunch of tree people!" Lance exclaimed, sounding more irritated than shocked. You hummed in thought, staring at them while Pidge made her way out of her lion.

You and the rest of the team were following Ryner up a hill. P/n was glued tightly to your side.

"When the Galra attacked, only a few thousand of us escaped the cities. We were forced to flee into the forest," Ryner explained.

"How long have you lived like this?" Shiro asked.

"Many decafeebs," she replied, "But, as you can see, our people are resilient. We never stopped evolving. Instead, we adapted our skills to the environment." P/n halted to paw at a few sticks, but stopped when she heard you cough at her. You all arrived at flat ground with Pidge running ahead of you. One of the Olkari created a flying bug out of sticks that flew past you all. P/n barked and chased after it.

"Coran was right, Ryner. You really are the most incredible engineers in the universe. To be able to switch with precision machinery to a bunch of sticks!" Pidge explained, trying to contain her excitement.

"Nature's designs are superior to any that we could devise," Ryner replied with a smile on her face.

"No offense, but I'll take my computer over a tree any day."

"You need to get out once in a while, Pidge," you said, crossing your arms and smirking a bit.

"You three can talk science later. Let's assemble Voltron and get rid of these Galra invaders," Shiro instructed.

"It's not that simple, I'm afraid. The Galra have our leader, Lubos."

"Lubos..." The other Olkari repeated sorrowfully.

"If you attack, who knows what they'll do to him," Ryner added on.

"Then we'll just have to rescue him," Shiro replied. You sighed through your nose quietly and whistled, waiting for P/n to come back to you. You saw her running back to you with the stick bug in her mouth. Your eyebrow twitched, but you bent down and plucked it from her mouth, placing it on the ground.

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