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You frantically looked around the helm as different lights turned on, mumbling incoherent words. The screen turned on and showed different stats. You felt the lion stand up slowly and roar. You were completely frozen in the seat.

"No... what are you doing?" You asked, flabbergasted. The lion bent down to let you out of it. You stood in the mouth and let it fully rest before walking out of it.

'Oh sweet baby Jesus I can't do this, what the fuck is it thinking? Is that really the Black Lion? Maybe it's an imposter, yeah, it's an imposter, there's absolutely no way in hell that's possible, that was all a dream, an illusion, yeah...'

"Y/n... the Black Lion has accepted you..." Allura said, though you knew she was more shocked than you were. You stopped ranting inside your head.

"Yeah... apparently," You replied quietly, looking up towards it. Your gaze then turned to Keith. "You have to do it too, you know. No excuses." Keith sighed and slowly made his way to the lion. You all stood there for a few dobashes before the lion's eyes lit up and it roared. You let out a breath of relief. You didn't have to fly the lion. Thank god.

"No way..." Hunk gasped. The black lion leaned its head down and allowed Keith to leave. The look of disappointment and worry was etched onto his features.

"The Black lion chose you, Keith," you said, walking up to him.

"No. I don't accept this," Keith replied. The four of them gasped while you just furrowed your brows. Not in frustration, but in sympathy.

"You must. The black lion has chosen you," Allura said.

"It also chose Y/n, too! I can't replace Shiro! You guys were right, I'm the loner. I'm not the leader Shiro thought I was," Keith argued. You placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to let out a small gasp.

"No one can replace Shiro. Not even me. But the black lion wouldn't choose anybody it didn't feel was worthy to lead Voltron. I respect its choice. You should too," you comforted, never taking your eyes off of his.

"But the black lion chose you also."

"I flew P/n. I cannot communicate with the lions like I did with P/n because she was built... for me..." You trailed off, finally looking down at the floor. "Whatever the case, I'll be your understudy in case something happens." Keith averted his gaze for a moment before turning to look at the black lion.

"But who's gonna fly the red lion?"

"I guess we'll find out."

You, Coran, and the rest of the paladins were in the lounge room, waiting for Allura to return from the Red Lion's hangar.

"So... Y/n, how've you been since... you know?" Pidge asked from across you. Your arms were crossed and your eyes were glued to the floor.

"I'm not sure" you replied quietly, "I just... have a lot of things on my mind."

"Things? Like what?" Lance asked. Your eyes closed the same time your brows furrowed for the millionth time.

"It's... hard to explain," you replied.

"Try," Keith said from your right. You tilted your head up and stared at the ceiling.

"I don't think you know the origin of the lions, but you know Allura's father built the lions, so we'll start with that," you began. You're going to make some heads spin. "Years and years ago, a comet had crashed into a planet. The type of comet that can pass through realities and open rifts of immeasurable quintessence. At the core of that comet, the thing that was powering it, was a small anomaly. At the time, the researchers deemed the anomaly powerful. They also figured out that with a pint of blood, and someone to conceive it, it can grow like a normal fetus. This... fetus at that point, was said to grow up to be powerful with a plethora amount of abilities. They built a machine to keep track of it, to make sure it didn't go on a rampage or hurt someone. The person who gave the pint of blood was Zarkon—" Their eyes widened.

"—the person who conceived it was M/n L/n—"
Mouths dropped open.

"—the machine built to watch over it was P/n—"
Audible gasps left their mouths and that point.

"And the anomaly from a different reality is me. Y/n L/n," you finished, closing your eyes. There was silence. A deafening silence. Lance was the first to snap out of it.

"Wait, wait, wait! You're from another REALITY?!" He exclaimed, leaning forwards in his seat. You nodded your head.

"Wait... so does that mean you're not Zarkon's child?" Pidge asked.

"Biologically, no. I was only infused with his blood. Since M/n L/n was Glacien and Zarkon was Galran, I inherited their abilities and utilized them. So no, in that sense, I'm not," you replied. It was silent once again. "Zarkon and M/n weren't even married. They didn't have that kind of relationship. The only reason they knew each other, was because they wanted to nurture a strange anomaly that came crashing down into a planet. I was lied to. By my mom and Zarkon." 

"Y/n, I'm... sorry to hear that—"

"Oh save it, you extra long baguette," you interrupted Coran, "You knew, right? You were alive. You were with King Alfor." You glared over at his direction. Everyone turned their heads to him.

"You knew, didn't you?" You repeated, this time a little louder. Coran's eyes darted to the floor.

"Yes... Princess Allura knew as well," he admitted, guilt dripping from his tone.

"Why? Why did you keep it a secret?"

"... M/n wanted to know if you'd be a normal child, knowing you had two parents and a nice life. When Zarkon killed M/n, it was to see if you'd react by breaking down like a normal child or if you'd go berserk," Coran explained further. You looked away from him.

"Okay, so... Y/n is actually from another reality, and Zarkon isn't really her father, and she's actually been monitored her whole life because she's an anomaly that happened to crash into this reality?" Hunk checked, also trying to light the mood.

"... yes," you replied reluctantly and through gritted teeth.

"I really want to say 'awesome', but I think that's the wrong thing to say right now," Lance thought out loud.

"You think?" Pidge deadpanned. Keith turned his head to you, but you weren't looking at him, or anyone.

"So P/n was created just to keep you in check?" He asked. You nodded your head.

"Yes... though after Glacies fell, it didn't really matter at that point," you replied.

"Well, we're here for you if you ever need to talk," Pidge assured.

"Yeah! And maybe one day you can show me how you create those magic orbs that destroys half of a ship!" Lance exclaimed. You smiled lightly in his direction.

"I'll try to remember how I did it next time I attempt it."


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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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