*Strokes chin thoughtfully*

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You could see the ceremonial platform all the way from the sky. There were dozens of Galra there.

"You ready you two?" Shiro asked, flying lower. You and Lotor both nodded.

"As ready as we'll ever be," you replied. Shiro landed the Black Lion on the platform and you, and Lotor both made your way out of the cockpit. The Black Lion opened its mouth, revealing you two to the Kral Zera. From the Steps of Destiny, you could see Sendak, alive and as furry as ever.

"Great, it's him," you said flatly, narrowing your eyes.

"Keep your cool," Lotor said to you, never taking his eyes from in front of him.

"I control ice, I'm always cool," you replied sharply. The lion bent down and dropped its ramp, allowing you two to walk down it and onto the platform. Lotor had his sword, and you had yourself.

"You two? Lead the Galra Empire?" Sendak spoke loudly, "What could possible make you think that you could be our emperor?"

"Our Father's blood is not just in our veins," Lotor replied, "It's also on our swords."

"The emperor fell to us," you spoke, "We figured it would only be appropriate to take his place."

"You think treachery makes you qualified to lead us?" Sendak argued. You and Lotor both began to walk forward.

"One of us will light the flame," Lotor said, "Not for defeating our father, and not even for being the strongest Galra here." The others just watched you two, no one tried to stop you.

"But because we did something no one else could do." Once you two got to the bottom of the Steps of Destiny, you stopped. "We returned the Black Lion to the Galra."

"Move, Sendork," you threatened. The three of you just stared at each other.

"Time to prove yourself through honorable rite of combat," Sendak said, brandishing his new and improved arm.

"I've been waiting for this!" You exclaimed, summoning your ice sword.

"Enough!" Haggar yelled from the side. All of yours' attention went to her. She was surrounded by Lotor's previous generals. Talk about betrayal. "You two cannot lead the Galra."

"You think you can stop me, witch?" Lotor inquired.

"The blood that so bolsters your claim is also what quells it," she went on, "You are not full Galra. You are a half-breed. Your mother was Honerva." Her eyes then went to you. Those pupilless eyes.

"And you," she growled, "You are not his daughter biologically. You may have his genes, but you are nothing more than an experiment. A trans-reality experiment." Your eyes narrowed.

"Everyone here knows our lineage," you replied, "Even so, that won't keep us from the throne. I have Zarkon's genes, and that's more than anyone else here, besides Lotor." You turned your head to glare up at Sendak.

"We're taking what's rightfully ours," you said, walking a little in front of Lotor. "We're lighting that flame. And as first act as emperor... we're going to reuinite you with ouR DEAD FATHER!" You and him both ran at Sendak.

"You're not getting to the top of these steps!" Sendak exclaimed, also running at you two. Lotor and Sendak clashed first, which gave you the opportunity to use your ice as a spring. You jumped over their heads and ran up the steps. You heard whirring and turned your head and saw Sendak's arm flying towards you. You blocked it with your sword before ducking under it and using your ice to freeze it in place. You flew up to the second platform. You heard your ice shatter and Sendak yell. You turned your head and his arm came flying at you, veering you off course. You turned and threw your sword. The blade dug into the steps and electrocuted him, keeping him in place. You flew up the last flight of steps to the Kral Zera.

"Lotor! Get me the flame!" You yelled. Realizing you were right there, Lotor turned and ran down the steps. Sendak somehow pushed through the paraylsis and threw his arm where it connected to him, sending him flying. He landed on the steps with a harsh crash.

"Lotor!" You exclaimed. The platform under you rumbled. An explosion rocketed out of the entrance under the Kral Zera. You could see someone jump out of it just before the explosion. Several more explosions went off, shaking you. Sendak burst from a pile of rocks.

"Lotor and Y/n has betrayed us to Voltron!" He yelled, "Fire on the Black Lion!"

The cruisers from up above began to fire their lasers down below. The Black Lion took off. Immediately after, infighting began. They began to turn on each other. Down below, you could see a Blade standing next to Lotor.

'Keith?' You thought. That's when you saw Sendak run towards Lotor. Glancing back at the Kral Zera, you took off towards him. Right before he landed on top of them, you body slammed into him, sending him flying away. Rage now directed towards you, he launched at you. You slid your foot and coated the ground in ice. He slid, unable to keep his balance. You skated over towards him and raised a thick ice wall around him, turning it into a dome.

"It's just you and me, Sendick," you said, eyes glowing.

"You have no idea what you're doing," he growled, "You're a traitor to the Galra Empire!"

"That may be so, but you and I both know, that I'd be a better emperor than you any day."
He raised his arm, his laser whirring to life. You gave him no chance and raised your arm. A block of ice encased him where he stood, weapon shutting down. You shattered the ice dome and used the remnants of it to push Sendak's ice inprisonment off the edge. When you actually took a moment to look around, you only noticed the rest of the Paladins had arrived—and had formed Voltron. Without anything in your way, both you and Lotor went for the pit. You grabbed a rod and he did too. Together, the two of you walked up the Steps of Destiny. When you got nearer the top, the cruisers were leaving in the opposite direction. Voltron landed on the platform next to you. The Archivist was waiting at the top. When you got to the Kral Zera, you and Lotor looked at each other.

Together, the two of you stuck your rods down, and the flames spread up the Kral Zera, lighting it in an ice blue and purple flame. The two of you turned, and the Archivist was on his knees.

"The flame is lit," he said, raising his arms in the air. "Bow to your emperors." He fully bowed to the ground. Everyone watching from the bottom followed suit.

 Everyone watching from the bottom followed suit

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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