WE HAVE A 23-19

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Edit: A year later, everything sucks. 

You were riding inside the Black Lion with Shiro, flying over to the coordinates where the large mobilization of Galra troops were heading. Out in the distance, you could see the explosions from attacks.

"We're getting close. Everyone, get ready," Shiro said. You leaned over his chair and looked front.

"Initializing cloak. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up," Matt informed.

"All right, let's take a look at who the Galra are attacking," Allura said. The closer you got, the closer you could see the ship. You all recognized it as Galran.

"What the cheese?" Lance said.

"It's Galra-on-Galra violence, again."

"Oh, these people just do not like each other," Hunk spoke.

"Of course they don't," you said to them, "With no solid monarch, the Empire is probably in shambles."

"Isn't Lotor supposed to be Emperor, or something?" Lance inquired.

"He's merely a fill in. He was banished from the Empire thousands of years ago, but with Zarkon back, the Empire will probably stabilize," you explained. No one replied to that, but they knew the severity of your words and how true it is. You all watched on, not ultimately making any moves. Until, of course, you could see two aircrafts launch out of the ship.

"Whose ships are those?" Pidge asked.

"It's Lotor," both you and Allura replied.

"Lotor and Zarkon must be fighting for control of the empire," Shiro thought out loud.

"Guys, those ships are getting awfully close," Hunk warned. Voltron moved to the side, but the ships trails uncloaked you.

"Uh oh. The trails from Lotor's ship drives messed with our cloaking spectrum," Matt warned.

"Can you find a work-around?" Pidge questioned.

"It's too late. Our cover's been blown. We may have to engage," Shiro said.

"Drop me off!" You ordered. Not even a few seconds later, you were ejected from Voltron. The cruisers fired their lasers at you two, but you both dodged. You held out your hand and frost froze over the air. Since space is hella cold, making ice was not hard for you. The frost flew over to the fighters and froze half of the large group. Along with Voltron's shoulder cannon, you were able to completely destroy all of the fighters.

"All right, that'll hold them. Let's get out of here," Shiro said as they flew off in the opposite direction than Lotor. You followed close behind them.

"Hey guys, I'm picking up a transmission," Pidge spoke after few seconds of silence. You could hear it from your helmet.

"Attention, citizens of the Galra Empire."
Your eyes widened slightly.

"From this day forward, my son Lotor and daughter Y/n, are to be regarded as a fugitive criminal of the empire."

'Why me?' You thought, eyes wide.

"All citizens are authorized to use deadly force to stop them or any of their soldiers. I repeat, Prince Lotor and Princess Y/n are enemies of the state. Engage with extreme prejudice. Kill on sight."

'Oh no...' The same amount of fleets appeared behind you and fired at you dangerously.

"THANKS DAD!!" You exclaimed, flying out of the way. Your light blue eye glowed brightly and the distance between you and the cruisers froze into a block of ice. The front half of the ships were submerged in ice. You used your other hand and sent currents of electricity through the ice. The front of the fighters exploded, as did the cruisers. However, hundreds of fighters flew out before they exploded and toward you. You were preparing to fight them off, a flash of light blue intercepted you.

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