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Lotor had told you that all of you were taking a small trip. A place called Oriende, and you were to travel in the castle. That was fine. What wasn't fine, was that the piece of comet that you brought, had been messing with you. Constant whispering in your ears, shadows dancing just outside your peripheral vision—it was making you lose your mind.

"Y/n? Are you all right?" Coran asked, noticing your head twitching and jerking slightly. You, Coran, Lotor, and Allura were on the bridge waiting for the others to arrive.

"I'm fine," you replied, "It's just a minor inconvenience right now." Allura's eyes went down to the core's container that you still had in your hand.

"Y/n, perhaps it would be better for you to put that somewhere right now," she said gently.

"I'm not letting this go," you replied harshly, your lip twitching in a snarl, but not at her. Give up give up give up give up give up give up. Let go let go let go let go let go let go.

"Y/n, I think the core of that comet is somehow infecting your mind," Lotor said, taking a step forward.

"I said I'm FINE!" You yelled, eyes quickly flashing in a bright glow. Lotor stumbled away from you, and Coran and Allura just stared at you, shocked. When you realized what you did, your expression dropped.

"I didn't... that wasn't," you stuttered out, "I didn't mean to yell at you, I swear... I just... I'm sorry..." Lotor walked up to you and held out his hand.

"Y/n, that core is making you extremely volatile," he said, "I think it's best if you put some space between you and it." You glanced at him.


"Y/n, I don't wish to see you lash out at anyone. And it's clear that this is doing more harm than good."
You looked back at Allura and Coran, but they just stared at you pleadingly as well. You looked back at Lotor. With a sigh, you begrudgingly handed the container over to him.

"Thank you," he said, "Please, take some time to calm yourself." He walked away from you. Your eyes gazed at the core, entire body on edge, just wanting to jump him... but you held back. You controlled yourself. Calm yourself calm yourself calm yourself calm yourself calm yourself calm yourself. You shook your head.

"I think..." You began, "I think I'm going to go... to my room for a few..."

"Yes, that is a good idea," Allura replied, "We'll let you know when we're at our destination." You smiled at the three of them before walking off the bridge.

Sleep doesn't help. Rest doesn't help. Being awake doesn't help. Nothing helped. Every single hair on your body stood—you were pacing around like a rabid animal. Something was telling you that something bad was gonna happen. Even though you're safe in the castle, and there's nothing or no one to worry about, you were waiting. On edge.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down," you whispered to yourself. "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine..." Out of the corner of your eyes you could see a black shadow move to the left. Your eyes followed it, but nothing was there. Fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine. Flashes of the core popped up into your mind, like it was trying to take control. Let go let go let go let go let go let go.

"Just—get out of my head! Shut up!" You exclaimed, violently rubbing your forehead with your hands.

'The core of it is corrupted—Haggar must've corrupted it with her magic... but why now? Why is it acting up after I can into contact?' Your leg ticked violently.

'I can't leave it... it's attached to me, it knows where I am... I can't escape.' Can't escape can't escape can't escape can't escape can't escape. Your room door suddenly slid open. The noise made you jump and stumble back.

"Uh... you okay?" Lance asked. You let out a breath.

"Yeah." You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just needed to rest a little after everything." Lance gazed at you for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Well... we're on our way to the Patrulian Zone right now," he said, "Join us on the bridge whenever you're ready."

"I'm ready now," you replied, "I'll go with you." You jogged up to his side, giving him a small smile before walking past him. A very faint blush appeared on his cheeks, but he held it together enough to walk by your side.

"It's crazy huh?" He spoke, "Being the leader of the empire that terrorized the universe for thousands of years." You chortled.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird," you replied, "But it's a good change, for the most part. It's time to fix what's been wrong." When the two of you got on the bridge, everyone was already in their seats, with the exception of Lotor.

"Y/n, glad to see you're doing okay," Shiro spoke from over his shoulder. You gave him an uneasy smile.

"Yeah, I am too," you replied, sighing deeply after. "Just needed some rest." You walked up to where Lotor was and Lance went to sit back in his seat.

"Where'd you put the core?" You asked him, crossing your arms.

"Somewhere safe," he replied, glancing down at you.

"Well, tell me where it is."

"I'll tell you after our excursion."

"You're not playing into my favor."

"I'd rather not see you lose your mind."

"I can't tell if that's meant to be nice or a dig."

"Take it as you will," he replied, "Either way, we can't afford to lose you." A wormhole opened in front of you and the ship entered through.

"We're approaching the Patrulian Zone," Coran announced.

"What's that up ahead? An asteroid belt?" Shiro asked. You squinted your eyes.

"No," you replied, shaking your head. "It's a ship graveyard." The castle slowly flew by the wrecked ships--probably hundreds of years old.

"What caused them all to lose power?" Hunk asked.

"No one knows," Coran replied.

"I think we just found out," Pidge spoke. When the ship moved past a broken ship part, a giant white pillar of energy, and light was in front of you. Your eyes widened.

"Is that some kind of super massive star?" Lance asked, standing. You slowly shook your head.

"No," you replied, staring at it. "It's a white hole."

"Woah! Take that, theoretical physics!" Hunk said from behind you.

"Wait, what's a white hole?" Lance asked.

"A black hole has massive gravity that sucks everything in," you explained, "A white hole is the opposite. It shoots out massive amounts of energy from an unknown source. I've seen one other."

Ja ne!

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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