"YoU'rE tHe NeW lEaDeR!"

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The Paladins of Voltron have been tolerating doing missions without Keith for the past few months. He's been with the BoM for now. You've joined the Paladins on a few missions, but not a lot anymore. Ever since you came back from your fight with Shivv, they've been careful about what missions you go on. So now, you were in the castle with Shiro. The others had left a while ago. He was looking at plans that were made to escort refugees out of the Fimm System.

"Keith's attention has been divided lately," Shiro spoke up. You put your own attention onto him.

"Yeah? What about it?" You asked, leaning against one of the sliding doors.

"I don't want it to come to this, but if Keith is unable to lead the team, I want you to step in and do it." He turned his head to look at you. You took a double take and almost fell over.

"I'm sorry, what!?" You exclaimed, pushing off of the wall. "Don't you think you're cutting him short? Isn't that a little unfair?" You walked up to him.

"The entire universe is at stake, Y/n. Besides Keith, you are the most ideal leader."

"What about you? You had a bond, why can't you reastablish it?"

"This isn't about me," he interrupted.

"Don't you think Keith would feel he let down the team? I can't just do that," you said, crossing your arms. "Besides... I can't pilot the black lion... I can't pilot anything after P/n." You bit your lip in slight nervousness. Shiro furrowed his brows and let out a sigh.

"Y/n, I understand P/n meant a lot to you, but you'll need to get past this sooner or later," he said.

"I know! I know!" You exclaimed, sighing. "It's just... it feels like I'm betraying her. I don't want to do that." You were very uncomfortable piloting a ship. You swore devotion to P/n since she was made for you. Besides, your mother did make her. The doors to the bridge slid open and Keith walked in, back from his mission with the BoM.

"Keith," you greeted. He sent a small smile your way, but it vanished when he looked at Shiro.

"Keith, good, you're back. The team's on a mission. You need to get to your lion and join them immediately," Shiro said, looking at holographic images of ships.

"I will, but I think we just discovered a new form of quintessence. The readings are off the charts. Kolivan says it could be linked to Lotor," Keith replied. Your brows raised in surprise.

'New form of quintessence?' You thought.

"Okay, we'll discuss it when you return," Shiro dismissed, "The team's escorting refugees out of the Fimm System."

"This is Lotor I'm talking about. He hasn't been seen in months. This might be our chance to track him down," Keith pushed.

"I said we'd discuss it later. Right now, I need you to focus on the mission at hand," Shiro said, firmer this time. 


"This isn't a request, Keith. Get to the Fimm System. That's an order."
Keith didn't say anything after that. Instead, he glanced at you before turning and walking to the lion's hangar.

"Don't you think that was a little harsh?" You questioned once he was gone.

"When he's here with us, he should be focusing on what we're doing," he replied, never looking at you.

"Still. Don't you think that's important information?" You continued to question.

"Of course, but now's not the time to discuss it," he replied. You sighed and decided to let the conversation go. "Y/n, I think the time is coming for you to be the new rightful leader."

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