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Edit: This chapter makes zero fucking sense and servers 0 purpose in future chapters. Idk wtf I was thinking.

"Somewhere in this universe, or in a shitty fanfiction, there are hybrid descendants of Dark and Light, call Nephilams. They're weak or strong, depending on the person. Now, your mother and her people, the Glacien's are... light beings... peaceful, if you may. However, and this goes for both ways, there are good people among bad, and bad people among good. You may not believe this, but some Glaciens turned out to be almost as bad as Galran's, and some Galran's turned out to be good. You can't judge or discriminate against people because of their background or bloodline.

Now, a little about the Glaciens and Cantabos relation. Eons ago, a child was born who possessed powers that were both dark and light. People called her a goddess. She soon met someone. A mortal, and gave birth to two children. One male and one female. The son was named 'Solis', the Latin translation of the word 'sun,' respectively. And the daughter's name was Luna, Latin for 'moon'. These two siblings were inseparable, using their differences and abilities to push through things together. To facilitate each other's shortcomings.

However, as they got older, their different personalities proved difficult to overcome, and they soon parted from each other. Their mother, the progenitor of all beings with powers, was left alone to disintegrate into dust, due to her children separating from each other. Solis and Luna never reunited, and as the years and millennia passed by, their descendants were either 'good' or 'bad'. However, none of them were 'both'. Solis and Luna both knew that if any of their descendants bred and had a child, that child would have to bear the burden of having both blood flowing through them.

As centuries went by, the first Glacien being and Cantabo being was born from different families. However, since the Glacien and Cantabo species were ultimately the same, status wise, the first hybrid child of a Glacien and Cantabo was born. Then as the time went by, more mixed blood of the Cantabo's and Glacien's populated. Of course, there are still pure blooded Glacien's and Cantabo's, but technically, Glacien's and Cantabo's are descendants of each other in some way.

Your mother, Queen M/n L/n, was a pure blood. And pure bloods these days are rarely seen amongst Glacies and Cantabo, considering the large amount of mixed blood from both ethnicities. Your mother soon got with Zarkon, a descendant of Luna, the dark. When your mother had you, you not only had the blood of good inside you, you also had the bad blood flowing through you. Hybrid children of dark and light are called 'Nephilams'. You are the first child to ever be born with both Luna's and Solis's blood flowing through you. What comes with that is great power, a power so unimaginable, it was said to rival the progenitor of magical beings, Dea. (Dey-ya)

However, that power comes with a price. You'll constantly be pulled towards both good and bad choices. You'll forever live with not knowing whether to make the right choice, or to follow your instincts that could hurt you or your comrades. You'll have battles with yourself, another version of yourself. It could either be the good or the bad you. High stress situations where it's a life for a life, eye for an eye. Tell me, Y/n, if you had a choice, what would you do?

The Red and Black Paladin are being held at gunpoint by Sendak, and at the flick of Zarkon's finger, they're dead. However, in your hands is all the information you need to defeat Zarkon and his Empire. You can keep it, only if you let the red and black Paladin's die. But you still have the Green, Blue, and Yellow Paladins plus Coran and Allura. Five lives vs two. Which would you pick? Would you let the two die for the sake of the information and five lives? Or will you hand back the most important piece of paper you need, at the cost of more planets and innocent lives? Most people would go with the latter. Some will go with the first choice. You, however, need to think about this. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each choice and the consequences of doing so.

Keeping the information will help you beat Zarkon and his minions easier, but you lost two of the best Paladins, one being your leader and you wouldn't be able to form Voltron.

Giving back the information will spare their lives, but at the cost of more planets and their inhabitants. Which would you choose? Your primal instinct is to pick the first, hence Luna's genes are stronger than Solis'. However, that's where his bloodline comes into play. No matter the circumstances or the choices you are given, you have to stop and think.

Do you go with the peaceful, two lives are worth more, hand-in information?

Or do you go with the cynical two lives vs five?

It's your choice. Good luck figuring out which one you'll pick, because you don't know. That's the point. You're constantly pulled on whether you're good or evil is torture. I just hope you'll be able to endure it. For all we know, you could be both. A sweet, kind, caring, gentle angel, but quickly turns dark, cynical, ruthless, and merciless at the snap of a finger.

Your mother is a descendant of Solis and your father is a descendant of Luna. You are a descendant of both. Your true nature only shows when you put your heart and soul into what you're doing. Singing, just like us Cantabo's, helped you find your true nature. Now, I wish you good luck with the battle with Zarkon. May Dea bless you with powers that only can be achieved by you. Goodbye, child, for this is all I know, and all I shall tell you. May we meet again sometime."

Edit: So, spoilers, this is all bullshit, ignore this, idk why I made this chapter, it serves literally no purpose to the story--jfc, talk about unnecessary chapters and plot.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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