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"How is that even possible?!" You asked, irritated. You flew out of the Balmera's atmosphere, far away from the rest of them. The castle took to the sky not long after you. P/n turned around and shot a laser at it, but the shields just protected it again. You thrust the handle backwards then forwards, sending a beam of lightning at it. The shields, once again, protected it, lightning cracklng around the crystal. They moved to allow the robeast to shoot another powerful laser at you.

"Move move move!" The laser chased you as you dodged and evaded it, turning it away from the castle. The thing chased you further away from the castle. "We need to destroy those crystals." You turned P/n around and shoti another laser at it. The crystals blocked it again.

"Now let's turn it up a notch!" You exclaimed, flipping the handle vertically and thrusting it forward. The beam thickened and turned an ice blue color. The laser pushed it back and P/n went charging for it, smashing into the crystals, and then into the monster. Two wormholes opened up and the blue, and yellow lion flew through them.

"Y/n, can you hold that thing off while Pidge, Lance, and I go get the lions? Hunk and Keith will be with you," Shiro's voice rang through the intercom. You grunted when P/n was hit with one of the crystals. You stablized her before taking off again.

"Fine, but hurry it up!" You exclaimed back, hitting it with lasers to keep its attention on you. The beast shot its laser at you, but you evaded it and just flew in circles, trying to keep its interest on you. "Come on snake, let's rattle." You thrust the handles forward which made P/n's boosters shoot up, blasting her faster away, which made the beast follow you.

"Y/n, hang on!" You heard Lance's voice say. You looked behind you and saw the blue and green lion flying towards you, shooting their lasers at the beast. The crystals went behind it to block them, but left its chest wide open. P/n turned around and blasted out a stronger laser, hitting it square in the chest and sending it flying backwards. The other three lions joined you afterwards and began shooting their lasers at it. The robeast shot its green laser at you once again, but you dodged. Soon, all five lions joined in with you and shot at it.

"Y/n, can you distract it long enough for us to form Voltron?" Shiro asked. You growled lightly and thrust the handle forward.

"I'm sort of sick of being the sacrifice that must be made, but sure! Remember that I won't be here forever!" You replied, shooting out a powerful laser. #Foreshadowing #Edit:SHUTTHEFUCKUP
The robeast slowly turned around and hovered close to you, charging up its laser. You stayed still for a moment, charging up your own laser. The robeast released its laser and so did you, the beams colliding.

"I'm getting really pissed off at this fucking thing so let's TAKE IT OUT!!!"

'On a date?'
God damn your stupid, intrusive thoughts. A beam exploded out of a P/n's mouth. Ice and lightning both froze and shorted out the robeast for a split second. There was a flash of light before Voltron appeared.

"Move Y/n!" Shiro exclaimed before their sword was formed. P/n flew out of their way. Voltron flew towards the robeast and thrust its sword. The robeasts' crystals flew in front of it, but the sword just pierced through the shields and through the robeast's main power crystal. There was a moment of hesitation before electricity crackled. The robeast was pushed away from Voltron and exploded like a star. You watched on and let out a sigh.

"Great work Paladins! Now get back to the castle to we can go to Olkarion," Allura's voice said.

The six of you walked back into the control room where Slav was lying across a panel, pressing random buttons with his several arms. Now that you're thinking of it, when the hell did Slav come on board?

"Allura, have you heard from Coran?" Keith asked as you all stopped a few feet away from her.

"Yes," she replied coldly, not bothering to give any other explanation. Your eyes narrowed down to a glare, lightning sparking around your eye. Keith saw and nudged your arm, silently telling you to calm down. You glanced at him and sighed deeply.

"So are we ready to pop through the wormhole and get back to Olkarion?" Lance asked, trying to brighten the mood.

"Yes! I've checked in with Coran and the teleduv is nearly complete. Hunk, thank you for getting the scaultrite," Allura turned towards the yellow paladin.

'I swear if she doesn't mention Keith I'll obliterate that teleduv...' You thought, your temper rising. P/n sensed your anger and whimpered.

"No problem," he replied, although awkwardly. "You know, Keith was there too." Hunk pointed towards him. Allura just glared at him for a moment before turning her head and walking away. Your composure snapped and lightning crackled from your eye and spread out through the castle, shorting it out, and causing it to lose power for a few seconds. Slav yelped and fell off of the panel at the flashing red lights and alarms, sweating profusely and running around, panicked. The paladins' heads swiveled around to face you, but you were busy glaring at Allura as well. Your eye twitched, burning ever so slightly. Allura just stared at you, shocked, as did everyone else. Your lip just raised in a slight snarl before turning around and walking out of the room with your hands shoved in your pockets, the alarms still blaring. The others stared after you in concern, but made no attempt to go after you. P/n just whined and nudged your cheek, but it didn't help. You were beyond reasoning. You've already went through this once with Allura--it's like she didn't retain anything.

Ja ne!

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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