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The Paladins, you, and Coran were all standing on the bridge for a small meeting Shiro asked to have.

"Good news," Shiro said, "There's been an upsurge in planets that have been liberated from Galra control by the Blade of Marmora and the rebel forces. Convincing these planets to join our coalition is priority one."

"Oh, does that mean more Voltron events?" Coran asked excitingly.

"Yes," Shiro replied with a smile. "Believe it or not, the Voltron show-of-arms goes a long way in inspiring others to join the fight." Shiro clicked a few buttons on the holographic screen, and a huge map of planets and star systems appeared above you all.

"The green clusters you see here, here, and here represent planets and, in some cases, entire star systems that have joined the coalition," he explained, "Not coincidentally, those are also the areas we've personally visited."

"All right! Razzle-dazzle time!" Lance exclaimed while boxing his face with his arms. "... for the war effort, of course." He composed himself.

"Oh fuck off!" You jumped on him. "Things like this is exciting! Not to mention it's fun for the crowd!" You gave him a nuggy.

"Y/n's right. If we're excited and motivated to do this, so will the people," Allura smiled in agreements.

"Coran, can you set everything up?" Shiro questioned.

"I know just where to start," the ginger-haired man replied.

To be honest, the event leading up to the show was quite boring and not worth mentioning. Voltron would be performing for saw war veterans in a hospital that they managed to restore. Now, it would be able to service the entire sector.

So now you were in the audience of patients, waiting for the others to arrive. You were unaware of what they were going to do, and were certain you were going to love it. A few minutes passed and the room suddenly got dark.

"Oh, it's starting," you murmured. A spotlight appeared on Coran who was standing on the stage.

"Ladies and gentle-aliens, bear witness as the Paladins of Voltron attack Zarkon's base to save the helpless Princess Y/n!" Your eyebrows shot up. The spotlight moved over to Shiro who shielded his eyes from the blinding light. Your brows stayed on top of your head when Shiro didn't say anything.

"Shiro, you're on!" You could hear Coran whisper to him. Shiro looked down at his wrist and a small screen appeared.

'Oh, this should be good.' You thought, leaning back in your seat.

"Uh... I will save the princess, even if it means taking on the Galra Empire with my bare hand," he read monotonously. Hunk walked on right after, reading the script as well.

"And you won't have to do it alone because you'll have me, Hunk," he read it just as flat.

"And me, Pidge," she appeared next.

"And me, Lance." Lance popped up in front of them all.

'Well, he definitely has more charisma.' You thought.

"Holds bayard dashingly—oh." His red bayard appeared in his hand, a smirk on his face. You covered your eyes, but still watched.

"Oh dear lord..." You whispered. Allura appeared and came up next to Lance.

"And me... Keith."

"PFFFFFT—ksskskkskskssksksksks..." You stifled your laughs.

"Thank you, team, for always being by my side, through thick or thin." Shiro paused in between to tap the screen twice. "Now, come along. Together, we'll..." He once again paused to let the others get into a straight line. Lance was the only one posing. Your face turned red from trying to hold back your laughter.

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