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3k reads already? ... damn. I'm a magician ain't I?

Edit: No, you've just been lucky that people have given this book a damn chance, you fucking lugnut.

You sighed as you swatted down another branch from getting in your face. You were disgusting. Wet, muddy, cold, not to mention you still have some left over grass stuck in your teeth from where you landed. It's been well over two hours, and you had no idea where P/n was, or even if she was in commission. You also couldn't contact any of the Paladins due to bad connection. Actually, there wasn't a connection at all.

"Go me," you said with a sigh. P/n could probably send coordinates back to the castle, but that would require her to be awake. You sighed once again and continued to trek through the forest and marshy ground. The bushes to your right rustled again, causing you to stop and turn your head. Hissing noises were heard, and those same snake humans slowly rose from the underbrush.

You brought your sword and sent purple lightning streaking through it. They were about to snap at you, but right before that, a certain wolf robot landed right above you and roared, startling the human snakes and causing them to slither away quickly. You looked up and smiled at her.

"Hey P/n. How are you feeling?" You asked her, to which she responded with a loud bark. "That's good. Did you send coordinates to the castle?" You watched her shrink down to her pup size. She yipped sadly. You looked away from her, down at the ground.

"I see... they didn't huh..." You said quietly. P/n whined and nudged your face. "It's fine, P/n." You didn't mind, honestly. You understood the reasons behind Allura and why she kicked you out. You couldn't blame her.

"Are you ready to go, P/n?" You asked. She barked. You raised a brow at her. "Alright then, Mrs. Cleanfreak, let's go find a waterfall then." You rolled your eyes and began to walk.

You pushed back some vines and saw a flowing waterfall with a pond underneath it. The water seemed pretty clean, so you immediately jumped into the water, clothes and all. You scrubbed your body the best you could. The caked on dirt lifted off slightly, but not totally. You were definitely cleaner than before, but now you're all wet. Though you didn't mind.

"Is this to your liking?" You turned P/n and placed your hands on your hips. She barked happily and grew in size. You sighed and walked towards P/n and entered her helm. "Let's go. No point in waiting for a rescue that's not going to happen."

You and P/n had flown off of the planet and back into space.

"Allura had said they wouldn't leave without me, but was that true?" You wondered out loud. P/n had growled. "Yeah. You're right. It's not my decision. But still. I thought we were more than that... I guess the only reason Allura was my friend was because she thought I was human..."

The Paladins, plus Coran and Allura, were currently checking Shiro's arm for coordinates. Pidge stopped typing on the computer and looked up.

"What's up Pidge?" Hunk asked.

"It's weird... wouldn't Y/n send coordinates to her location by now? It's been a day and a half," Pidge said, turning her head to look at the others.

"Maybe she's got bad connection and can't reach us," Keith suggested, though he probably didn't believe it himself.

"Wouldn't P/n be able to send us messages though? She is, like, a space robot," Lance intervened. Pidge turned her head back to the computer.

"I could probably track down P/n's and Y/n's location since we've tracked them before," she said, beginning to type away.

"You can do that later Pidge," Allura piped up, causing all of them to turn their heads to her.

"What? Why?" Shiro asked from below her.

"Right now our top priority is to go to those coordinates in Shiro's arm. Y/n is more than capable on fighting on her own."
The five of them all looked at each other before reluctantly nodding. What Allura didn't tell them was that P/n had sent coordinates, but Allura had blocked the signal.

"P/n, what do you say? We should probably go to a planet that we actually recognize," you said, to which she barked. "Glacies, Arus, Cantabo... we could even go back to earth. Not that anyone's waiting for us, but..." P/n barked, but you immediately turned her down.

"No, P/n. Allura blocked our request for help once already. I'm not making it look like we're begging for help," you replied sternly, "Maybe we'll coincidentally run into them, or something." Suddenly, something zoomed past you. You couldn't see what it was, but you knew and sensed it was Galra.

"Well... I guess this is our lucky day! Follow that... whatever it is!" You exclaimed. P/n roared loudly and turned around, following it using all of her boosters. "Haggar must've sent another robot beast."

"Oh no..." Ulaz said, staring at the screen in front of him. "You were tracked." He turned around to face the four Paladins behind him.

"What? Us?" Pidge asked, confused and shocked.

"If Zarkon knows we're here, it's because you ratted us out," Keith defended.

"It's another one of Zarkon's robot... beasts... ro-beasts!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Wait... what's that?" Shiro asked, looking over Ulaz's shoulder. Pidge followed suit.

"It's P/n!" She exclaimed.

"What?" Keith looked at Pidge.

"That thing must've passed her on the way here. She probably doesn't even know we're here," she replied. Ulaz began tapping buttons on the panel.

"All right P/n," your voice echoed. They were relieved to hear your voice after such a long time.

"Wait. These xanthorium clusters can and will explode if we touch them. Steady with your lasers, now," you said to her. You knew you were being listened to, but you didn't mind. The ro-beast opened its mouth and sucked in the clusters, closing its mouth and turning to you. "Wait..." It opened its mouth and sent a powerful blast towards you.



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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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