Why am I here... why am I like this.

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Btw I kinda want yours and Allura's relationship to be rocky, like a princess vs princess kind of thing, but don't worry, y'all don't hate each other.

Edit: Y'all hate each other, but it's like a loving-type of hate LOLOL

Back at the castle you were in your room, lying on your bed, reading a book. Although your eyes just skimmed the page without actually taking in any of the words. You were still thinking things over, going over scenerios and ideas. What was that creature at the bottom of Thayserix? If it wasn't P/n, then why did it sound like her? Why was it luring you to the deep bottom of the planet? You shut the book and threw it over to the other side of the room where it slammed into the wall.

'Thinking hurts... ow... ow!' You groaned and tried to smother yourself with the pillow. There was a knock on your door before it slid open.

"What are you doing?"
You peeked out from under the pillow at the mullet head.

"Trying to die, why?" You replied, placing the pillow back on your face. You felt it slowly being lifted from your head. "Give it back!" You lazily reached for it.

"I'm not gonna let you kill yourself," he stated blankly, throwing the pillow away from you. You sighed and sat up.

"So, why are you here?" You asked.

"You've been quiet ever since we left Thayserix. Did something happen?" Keith asked, staring down at you with both a curious and concerned expression. You were quiet for a moment, hemming and hawing about whether or not to actually say what's on your mind.

"Ehh... nothing of importance, really. Just was thinking of some things," you replied, shrugging lightly at the end. Keith didn't seem to believe you.

"Are you sure? It's not you to be so quiet unless something happened," he said, crossing his arms. You sighed.

"You're just gonna keep asking until I answer, right?" You asked, closing your eyes.

"If that's what'll get you to talk, then yes," he replied. You opened your eyes only to roll them.

"Something was at the bottom of Thayserix. I don't know what it was, but whatever it was, it was mimicking P/n," you explained.

"P/n?" Keith repeated, though he didn't need you say it twice. You nodded.

"Yes. I'm assuming that creature was somehow mimicking P/n to get me down there," you explained further.

"If you knew it wasn't P/n why did you go down there?" He asked. You shook your head and shrugged.

"I guess there's still a teeny, eeny, bitty part of me that still believes she's alive. So when I first heard that bark, I guess that part of me took over," you tried to explain, but it still didn't come out right. Keith stared at you for a moment, not really knowing what to say. "Speaking of which..." You looked up at him.

"What about you? It seemed you calmed down when you, Lance, and Allura found me," you said, leaning back onto your hands. Keith's eyes darted to the floor and didn't answer. "Alright. Well, I'm going to the training deck. Join me if you wish." You got up and brushed past him. He turned his head and watched the doors close behind you.

You, the Paladins, and the other two were on the bridge. Everyone sat in their respective seats except for Allura. Instead, you sat in the Blue Paladin seat. On the screen in front of you was a blaring alarm with a warning sign.

"What's going on?" Keith asked from the front of you.

"Yeah, these have never gone off before," Pidge said from her seat. You looked at Coran and Allura, and saw their faces. Shock was written across them, but so was something else.

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