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This page is a safe space. Be who you are *exceptions may apply* and be confident! Even if you're not out, or completely sure, that's still alright. Have a good gay, everyone!! ❤️

"DEATH MATCH?!?!" Lance screeched like a pterodactyl.

"What do you mean a death match? That's absurd!" Allura exclaimed.

"Exactly what I said. Only the victor will make it out alive," Shivv said, a smirk rising to her face.

"That's insane! If you're the alternate version of Y/n, that must mean you must both be equally powerful. In that case you could only die from injuries," Pidge explained, looking between both of you.

"Only the victor will make it out alive," Shivv repeated, her lips dropping into a thin line.

"We're leaving," Keith suddenly announced, grabbing your arm. You twisted out of his grasp, looking up at Shivv.

"You guys should leave," you said quietly, cracking your fingers. If you didn't fight her, she'd attack all of you, and you'd have to battle her anyway.

"Woah, hold on! You're actually going to fight her?" Lance asked.

"Y/n, that's crazy. You don't know the outcome of the battle," Pidge added on.

"You don't know the outcome of any mission you go on," you countered.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I won't let you fight her," Keith said, grabbing your arm. You looked back at Keith, your expression unreadable.

"Keith, I'm not saying this because I want to fight her. I need to fight her," you replied, looking at him straight in his delicious eyes.

"Why?" He asked, truly sounding curious.

"Because if we leave her, that gives her the opportunity to side with Lotor. Then we have a bigger problem and I'd have to fight her anyways. I'm sorry Keith, but I need you to leave. All of you." You turned around to face the rest of them.

"No way. I'm not leaving you here. Either we're fighting together, or not fighting at all," Lance declared, changing his bayard into a gun. A sleek knife whizzed by his face, grazing his helmet and embedding into the house behind him. Everyone gasped as frost began to form on the side of his visor. You walked over to Lance and placed your hand on it, overtaking Shivv's ice with your own, and shattering it. Lance let out a breath of relief. You looked up at Shivv with a frown, but she merely shrugged.

"You have to go," you said, placing your hands on Lance's shoulders. "Now."

"No. I'm not leaving," he replied, his face and tone deadly serious. You sighed in exasperation and rubbed your face.

"Lance..." You groaned.

"Lance is right. I'm not just gonna leave you here to fight until one of your deaths," Keith agreed, stepping up.

"I'm giving you two dobashes. If you're not decided then, I'll attack all of you," Shivv said, pulling up a holographic timer. The numbers slowly counted down. What a nerve racker.

"Listen, we don't have time to argue and discuss it. You five get back to the castle and complete whatever mission you have," you ordered, looking at each one of them.

"I thought we made it clear that we're not leaving you," Keith commented, his eyes narrowing.

"One and a half dobashes," Shivv said, only making you more anxious.

"I love you all dearly, but you heard her. If we can't come to a decision she'll attack all of us. That's bringing you into the mix as well," you argued back.

"I don't care if we're caught up in the mess. I refuse to leave you," Lance declared, grabbing ahold of your wrist tightly. You huffed.

"Shivv, meet me in the Ruined Forbidden Forest. I'll be there in five dobashes," you said without turning around to face her. Shivv got rid of the timer and shrugged, standing up.

"I'll hold you to your word," she said, disappearing in icy mist.

"Lance, this isn't negotiable," you remarked, crossing your arms.

"Yes it is. We're a team! We can beat her together!" He exclaimed, taking a step closer to you. You shook your head.

"I'm sorry Lance. This is something I must do on my own," you apologized. His brows furrowed.

"No you can't... we can't lose you! You've been there the longest! You know, remember when you put worms in Iverson's food, or when you replaced the toilet paper with sandpaper?"
You knew at this point he was trying to cheer himself up with memories. You didn't blame him.

"Lance, those are great memories, but we're not at the Garrison anymore. This isn't a time to put worms in one's salad, or cause them to have really bad burns on their asses. This is a time where we have to make tough choices and deal with the consequences." Every word you spoke seemed to break him more. Even the rest of them could tell.

"Y/n, please... reconsider," Allura pleaded, stepping up behind Lance who was having trouble keeping his breathing even.

"I already told Shivv I'd be there. I've got to go," you said, taking a step away from Lance. The others, except Lance, could only watch helplessly as you began to walk away from them. They knew there was nothing that they could say to make you change your mind.

"If you don't hear anything from me in the next two days, assume the worst," you called, getting farther and farther away from them. Lance shook his head, almost denying the fact that you were walking away.

"No... no..." Lance said quietly, weakly running after you. "You can't go... who am I gonna be able to joke around with and talk to?" He collapsed to the snowy ground below him, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"If you leave... if you leave, I'll never forgive you!"
Everyone's eyes, even yours, widened. No one ever thought Lance, the goofball, would say something so harsh. Even behind his helmet, you could tell he was having trouble keeping steady breaths. You turned your head, gazing at him with solemn eyes.

"Then don't." You turned and walked deeper into the forest, eventually leaving their line of sight. Lance stayed there for what felt like eternity until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Lance, come on buddy... we need to go," Hunk said softly, knowing how sensitive and fragile he was at the moment. Almost robotically, Lance stood up. This was the second time you'd left the team. The second time he wouldn't know how you'd be. The second time when he'll have to wait. He was hoping, praying to god, that whatever happened, you'd make it out alive. Because he, as well as some of the others, has something important to tell you. And he refuses to say it to your unresponsive body.

Kay, in case of any confusion, you and Lance probably are the closest on the team. You and Lance are there for each other, and while I didn't incorporate it into the story, I felt as if whatever personal talks you had together, it should remain private and up for interpretation.

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Edit: You and Lance are gonna fall in looooooooooooove

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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