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It took you a little longer to get to where the other Paladins were, but when you did, you saw a large beast made from the forest. However, it looked corrupted. Its presence was malevolent, but it wasn't directly controlled by the Galra. You stopped mid-air and looked at it, but instead of training its attention of you, it rode right past you, back to where the city was. You blinked at it for a few seconds before realization a giant robot was missing from the scene.

"Uh, guys? Where the fuck are you—oh..." You looked at the giant, floating green mass in the sky.

"Can you help us out of here or what?!" You heard Lance exclaim. You looked at the beast currently rolling towards the city.

"Uh, you sure? Cause that thing is going mach speed in the opposite direction."

"Don't worry about us! The ion cannon isn't fully operational yet! You'll have to protect the city!" Shiro ordered.

"What about you guys?"

"We'll find a way out of here, just go!"
You sighed.

"If you say so..." You took off towards the beast. It paid no mind to you flying over it. Perfect. You took off faster until you got in front of it. Landing on the ground, you turned, and slid your foot forward. Ice sprung out in front of you in a giant shield, completely encasing the beast. You jumped on top of it and slammed your hand through the top. Purple electricity ran through the block of ice in bright flashes. You snapped your fingers and the ice shattered completely. The beast let out a roar before trying to shoot its laser at you. You flew up into the air and dodged the blasts, summoning your purple sword.

"Hey guys? You there? Guys??" You called. There was only static in response.

'Great, Voltron is offline.' You threw your sword into the beast and the lightning paralyzed it. You flew off towards the city and saw the ion cannon completely encased in those corrupted vines. You landed at the bottom where the vines were thicker and placed your hand on it.

'This won't shut it down forever, but long enough someone might be able to figure something out.' You thought. Your lightning traveled down the vine, shorting it out just enough that it wouldn't spread. You heard the whirring of a ship and looked behind you. A Galra cruiser was slowly pulling the trapped Voltron cocoon up towards it with its tractor beam. Taking your hand off from the temporarily shorted-out vines, you took off towards the Galra cruiser. They spotted you apparently, because they shot multiple lasers at you. You dodged them, bringing out your ice sword. You blasted off faster, your body crashed into one side of the ship. Explosions went off internally, up and through the ship. You exited out of it the other end. The entire ship caved in and collapsed in on itself, exploding in a bright flash. The beam no longer was holding Voltron's cocoon in its grip. You flew away back to the beast that was still being held back by your sword.

You swooped down and ripped the sword from its body. Free from its bonds, it unwrapped its horn-like blaster and sent the tendrils flying at you. You dodged three of them, but got tripped up by the fourth. They wrapped around your body and squeezed you slightly. Heart rate skyrocketing, you froze when the thing opened its mouth, completely ready to absorb you. You felt a sudden burst of power. Both eyes glowing an ice blue, the tendrils burst from the sudden overload of power. Arms now free, a ball of energy gathered in your palm. You tossed it at the thing's mouth where it ever-so-gently flew into it. Then it completely destroyed the beast from the inside out. Eyes cooling down back to your natural color, you blinked a few times.

"Y/n!" You heard a voice call. You looked up and saw Voltron fly up above you.

"AND WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE?!" You exclaimed angrily.

"It's not our fault we got trapped in that thing's virus," Pidge said, "But luckily we escaped."

"How'd you do that?" You asked.

"We tapped into the energy that connects us to Voltron," Allura replied, "Our bayards amplify our lifeforce, so we managed to kick the virus out."

"Huh... well that's an interesting way to do it," you said quietly.

At the end of the day, Voltron and you were overlooking the water. The sun was beginning to set. The Paladins, excluding Pidge and Matt, who were on a platform, and you were sitting on a still-formed Voltron.

"Good work today Y/n," Shiro said from your side. "We couldn't have done it with you." You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes.

"You would've managed," you said, stretching your arms above your head. "I'm merely here for moral support and backup."

"What? You're here for more than that," Lance said from your other side. "We couldn't have done any of this without you helping us." This time, you fully turned your head to look at him.

"Perhaps," you replied, "But you're the Paladins of Voltron. Can't have a single person come and show you up, right?" You nudged him playfully. Lance laughed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. He turned to look away from you.

"Maybe not."

"What do people call you? The Defender of the Universe?" You teased, "Got a big reputation to uphold." Lance snickered.

"Yeah, I guess... I just don't wanna let anyone down," he replied quietly. You smiled lightly.

"Now, now, don't get so gloomy," you said, "You and the others are doing amazing, and improving everyday." Surprised, he turned to look at you.


"Yes, silly. You think I haven't noticed? I can tell when someone has improved their fighting ability." You nudged him again with your elbow. "You're doing amazing sweetie." He let out a loud laugh.

"Thanks Y/n," he said, "For everything." Your smile only widened.

"No problem, pretty boy."

Ja ne!

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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