A not so wanted reunion

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"Zarkon! How did he find us?" Allura asked, turning her head to look at you. You glared back at her, P/n growling at her.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me? I thought we were over this," you defended immediately.

"His commanders must have radioed him from Olkarion," Keith quickly replied, trying to get Allura's attention off of you.

"We need to wormhole, now! Everyone to your stations. We've got to put some distance between us and Zarkon. This could be the fight of our lives," Shiro ordered. Everyone dispersed and ran to their respective areas. He then turned to you.

"I'm sorry I have to do this, but Y/n, distract them. We need as much time as we can—!" He grunted as several lasers blast the castle from the fighters. You looked at P/n.

"Come on!" You exclaimed, running to the exit.

"Be careful, Y/n!" Lance called out to you. You just waved over your shoulder and disappeared behind the door. When you exited the castle the particle barrier was placed and the castle took off.

"Alright P/n. Let's shock these fuckers with our elECTRIFYING GOOD MOVES!!!" You hyped, thrusting forward the handles and sending a ball of pure lighting towards the fighters. The electricity transferred to each ships and made them explode. That one move alone took out almost a whole fleet.

"Woah! Y/n! What the heck?!" Lance exclaimed through the intercom.

"Focus!" You growled out, flying away from all of the lasers being shot at you. "Freeze them bitches!" You thrust the other handle forward. P/n shot out a light blue laser and froze all of the fighters.

"Y/n!" You heard Shiro call. You turned your head and saw the castle flying away towards a moon. You growled.

"OH HELL NAW YOU AINT ABANDONING ME AGAIN, YOU FUCK BOYS!" You shouted, turning P/n around and booking it. You followed closely behind the castle and saw Allura open up a wormhole. You looked behind you and saw the fighters a good distance away from you. You followed the castle when it entered the wormhole. You looked around and noticed something different. Off. The end of the portal appeared and you exited it, coming out at this ice graveyard. Your forte. You looked around.

"Did we get away?" You asked quietly.

"Y/n. Return to the castle. We don't know when Zarkon will show up again," Shiro ordered. You flew P/n into her hangar and got out, heading into the main control room.

"Hey, what's going—OH FUCK ME!" You shouted, slipping on something. "What the fuck is this?" You wiped your hands on your legs in disgust.

"That would be from Coran's slipperies..." Allura replied, watching your face contort into the best stank face you've ever made.

"Oh god that's gross..." You said quietly. "Where is Coran?" You stood up.

"He went to check the main teleduv that helps with the wormholes," Shiro replied. You nodded.

You were standing next to Shiro as everyone went to do their own thing.

"How do you think Zarkon tracked us?" You asked, crossing your arms and leaning against his chair.

"Like Keith said, maybe he radioed his commander from Olkarion," he replied, never taking his eyes from in front of him. You shook your head.

"No. The Commander left long before we did. There was no way he would've known where we went," you argued, feeding P/n a piece of mystery meat from the kitchen. Shiro paused and looked up at you.

"Y/n... is there something... you're not telling me?" He asked slowly. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes.

"You accusing me again?" You asked, scoffing ever so lightly at the end.

"Of course not," he reassured, sending you small smile to try and ease you.

"It's just not realistic," you explained, sighing. He stared at you in slight concern.

"Are you alright? You haven't been the same since we left Olkarion," he asked, standing up and walking in front of you. You looked up at him.

"No, it's not that. I was just mad, that's all," you replied, pushing off his chair and brushing past him.

"If there's something you need to talk about then I'd be more than happy to listen."
You stopped and let P/n rub her head against your leg.

"Nothing to talk about. For the moment."
Shiro watched you walk away out of the control room with a solemn look on his face. If you were hiding something, he wanted to help. At least as much as he could. You entered the hallway and sighed, P/n whimpering next to you. You shook your head and nudged her with your foot.

"Nah, it's nothing to worry about," you reassured. You stumbled forward when the castle was hit. You looked at P/n."Again!?" You ran to the control room and saw everyone in there in their seats already. You looked out of the large window and stared at the floating ice.

"Allura! I can get you guys cover, but you must act quickly," you said to her. She nodded.

"Do everything you can."
You and P/n flew out of the castle. She flew up above the castle and stayed there while you got out of her and stood on her head.

"Alright you pieces of shit. Come and get this," you said quietly, holding out your hands. Your blue eye began to glow softly and the chunks of floating ice connected with each other, a large layer of ice that formed a ring connected in the center. You raised your arms with much strain, and the large ice saucer rose as well. When the fighters flew near it, spikes popped out of the ice and destroyed them.

"I can only keep this up for a few minutes!" You called to them, the weight on your arms growing heavier. You saw the castle take off and a few fighters follow them. You moved your one arm to the side and made the closest ice chunks destroy them by impaling them.

"Y/n! Get here!" You heard Shiro's voice. You let your arms down and hopped back inside P/n, flying away before the whole thing exploded and shattered.

"What the hell? How is this happening?" You asked yourself.

"What the hell? How is this happening?" You asked yourself

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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