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You and Coran were standing above the Paladins, watching them. They were to form Voltron mentally, but Pidge was thinking of other things. While they were almost done forming Voltron, Pidge had quit the exercise early. For various reasons.

'It's a good thing I didn't have to do this...' You thought. A few minutes later, you and Coran were handing out some space juice.

"You have been working hard... maybe It's time to take a little break," Coran said. Allura then entered the room.

"What are you doing lying around? You're supposed to be training!" She said, crossing her arms.

"Allura, calm down. They've been working all day. You can't push them too hard," you defended.

"What do you mean 'can't push too hard'? Get up you lazy lumps! It's time you faced the Gladiator!" Allura exclaimed.

"Oh god..." You muttered.

You all were standing in the middle of the room waiting for the so-called 'gladiator'.

'I really hope this pays off...' You thought, rather boredly. Suddenly, the gladiator fell from the ceiling and took out Hunk first, who attempted to machine gun it. It then attacked Pidge who wasn't doing too bad, but the gladiator knocked her into Hunk. It then turned its attention to Lance who tried to shoot it, but it knocked the gun out of his hands and it slid across the floor. It turned around and began to fight Keith, but it knocked him back and smashed the electric rod on Lance's head and spun him into Keith. You ran forwards and sidestepped when Klance came barreling towards you. Shiro hardened his hand, but froze. The gladiator was about to hit him, but Keith intercepted.

"Shiro, are you okay?" Keith asked, pushing against the rod, but Shiro didn't reply. It slid the rod down Keith's sword and knocked his legs out from under him, sending him to the ground then knocking him into Shiro where they both went down. (I'm yelling timbuur—sorry Edit: God I hate myself)

It then looked at you. It ran at you and tried to hit you with the rod, but you blocked it with your arm where it wouldn't shock you. You twisted your arm so that you were holding it under-handedly, and pulled the gladitor towards you. You grabbed right below its neck and shocked it with lightning, letting it fall to the ground.

"That combat simulator was set at a level fit for an Altean child!" Allura appeared right next to you. "You're not even close to working as a team, let alone ready to face Zarkon!"

"While you all were barely able to block its attack, Y/n took it down without moving a toe!" Allura complimented, but that also made the Paladins morale go down.

"Thanks Allura, but I also allowed the gladiator to take them down. Don't pin everything on them," You defended. The others were grateful that you tried to help them, but Allura just sighed.

"Ahoy young Paladins! I've whipped up a big batch of focusing food. After this meal, you'll be forming Voltron six times a movement and twice on the astral conflux!" Coran exclaimed.

"Smells great, Coran. Thanks," Shiro said with a smile. You were sitting opposite of them, examining your food when you heard grunts. You looked up and saw all of them connected by the wrists.

"Pfft." You held back laughter.

"Hold the phone!" Lance exclaimed.

"I saw a lot of solid individual performaces today, but you're still struggling to work as a team. So welcome to the final bonding exercise of the day," Coran said.

"Wow... I never thought I'd get to see the day you all chained together," you said, amused.

"Why aren't you apart of this exercise?" Lance asked, his eyebrow twitching.

"Y/n is not a part of Voltron, therefore she doesn't have to," Coran explained. You laughed and began to eat your food, once in a while giving some to P/n. All conversations were blocked out by you eating your food like a hungry hippo. No, I'm not calling you a hippo—I just meant the game–you know, cause you're hungry—never mind. You were about to put the spoon in your mouth, but you stopped short. P/n tilted her head and pawed your cheek.

'This energy...' You thought, letting the spoon drop back onto the plate.

'No... I haven't sensed this energy in a long time—'
Goo landing on your face interrupted your thoughts. Everyone stopped and fell silent, watching you wipe the goo from your eyes and opening them. You glared at all of them, your eyes glowing slightly. All of them awaited your reaction when a large smirk grew on your face.

"Oh, it is so on, you dildo fuckers!!" You exclaimed, shoving more goo into all seven of their faces. They paused for a second before the ultimate goo war broke out. It was fun, you had to admit. A little while later you all fell back onto your chairs, exhausted from the battle that had just commenced. You all then began to laugh.

"Stop! Do you see what you are doing?" Allura suddenly shouted. You all stopped and stared at her, blinking owlishly. "You're finally working together as one!" Her eyes sparkled.

"You're right..." Keith replied quietly.

"I actually don't hate you right now," Lance said to Keith.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Shiro asked.

"Let's form Voltron!"


"Well I was thinking more of dessert, but yeah that too!!" Hunk said.

"Wow. They actually did it," you murmured quietly with P/n on your shoulder.

"Well of course they did. I believed in them from the very beginning," Allura replied, smiling up at Voltron. You smiled as well, but suddenly you flinched when a pounding headache came over you. You grunted and placed your hand over your eye.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Allura asked, placing her hand on your back. You nodded, taking deep breathes to try and calm your intense pulsating head.

"Coran! Go get a cyro-pod ready," Allura ordered. He nodded and ran back inside the castle. White noise began to overtake your hearing, but you saw Voltron disband. Flashes of your father appeared every time you blinked. You felt hands holding you up. Your vision crossed before you completely passed out.

"Is she going to be okay?" Lance asked, standing in front of the cyro pod.

"I don't know. It's hard to believe she passed out from a mere headache," Shiro replied.

"How long will she be in there?" Pidge asked.

"I don't know, but she'll wake up when she wants to. All we can do is take care of her," Allura replied.

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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