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The robeast shot out a powerful laser towards you.

"Move!" You exclaimed, pushing the handles to help P/n speed up. You avoided the beam and thrust the handle forwards. P/n shot out a just as powerful laser towards it. It pushed it back, but it didn't destroy it. You hummed in thought. "Well. That didn't go as planned." You puffed out your cheeks.

"Electrocute it," you ordered. P/n opened her mouth and shot out purple lightning. It seemed to work, but afterwards, it just brushed it off and flew towards you. You lightly growled, your patience withering down. "I'm starting to get really annoyed."

"If we can't do anything to the outside, we must be able to do something from the inside," you thought out loud, avoiding its attacks. Suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled backwards. You looked back and saw it was sucking you in like a black hole. You growled.

"P/n, shrink!" You ordered. She whined in protest.

"Just do it!" You said while ejecting from her and immediately being sucked in. P/n zoomed passed you faster and right before she entered its mouth—"Grow!" P/n tripled in size and placed all four paws on its face, blocking the beam.

"Shoot lasers into its mouth!"
P/n lowered her head and opened her mouth, doing what she was told. The robeast slightly exploded before malfunctioning.

"P/n!" She flew towards you and opened her mouth, allowing you to enter. "We need to get away from this thing. The xanthorium clusters will provide enough cover if we blow them up." You directed P/n into the clusters.

"Blow em!" You ordered. P/n obeyed happily and blew up dozens of clusters at a time. It gave you enough cover to hide from that thing.

"Wow... she's really kicking its butt..." Pidge said, watching as you fought the robeast.

"Impressive," Ulaz stated.

"I wonder how she's been. We haven't heard from her for a while," Keith said outloud. They watched as you retreated behind the clusters.

"Come on. Let's go help her," Shiro ordered.

You sat behind a cluster, watching as the robeast looked around for you. It opened its mouth and sucked in more clusters. It shot out a powerful beam, but not towards you. The beam hit a barrier.

"I see. Space pocket," you murmured in interest. Suddenly, Voltron appeared out of the space pocket and punched the robeast in the face like a boss. "There they are." You smirked. P/n growled playfully. Sooner than later, the space pocket shut down and the castle was exposed.

"There's Allura and Coran," you muttered, somewhat bitterly. A small ship appeared and flew away from the castle. You followed it with yours eyes. "Who the fuck is that?" You watched it as it zipped away.

Ulaz had flown back to you people, and had entered the robeasts mouth and opened a space pocket, forcing the thing to close in on itself and explode.

"Well shit," you said, raising a brow in surprise. P/n landed on a cluster and turned her head towards the castle. "What? Oh. Wait a minute." Suddenly, Shiro's face appeared on your screen.

"Y/n. I know we've put you through a lot. But please come back into the castle. We have things to talk about," he said. Your face appeared on his screen.

"Fine." You guided P/n into her hangar and walked into the main control room where the other Paladins already were. When their eyes landed on you, excitement sparkled in their hues.

"Y/n. Glad to see you're doing well," Shiro greeted, sending you a small smile.

"P/n's not with you?" Lance asked, noticing the small wolf pup not sitting on your shoulder.

"P/n can feed off of my emotions. If I feel angry she'll become hostile, so I decided to leave her in her hangar. At least until we clear the air," You replied. Allura and Coran, who had been standing in the back of the group, cut through them and stepped forwards.

"Y/n. It's been a while," she greeted cordially.

"Yeah. I must say all, that time alone really helped clear my mind of past things," you greeted back, crossing your arms.

"I'm glad," she said, though it sounded sarcastic.

"So Allura, may I ask you a question?" You got to the point, leaning your weight onto one leg.

"What is it?" She mentally prepared herself.

"Why did you block P/n's signal for our coordinates?"
Immediately, exclaims sounded out from all six of them.

"You said she didn't send one!"
"How could you..."
"No way..."
Allura averted her gaze to the floor.

"I blocked P/n's signal because I thought you were helping Zarkon. I didn't want to hand Voltron over to him," she defended.

"No shit, I already knew you thought that, but did you not see me go through that corrupted worm hole? I was sort of the first one to go? Lance sort of screamed my name?" You inquired, looking at Allura in utter disbelief. Allura turned her head to the side and crossed her arms.

"I just wanted to make sure. The Galra are not to be trusted," she continued to argue. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, well, obviously you trusted them once," you countered. Allura didn't need you to continue to know what you meant. "Who knows, though. I could've been injured and requesting help. Hell, I could've been dead! Just go ahead and let me die like a bitch!" You used your arms to help get the point across.

"I only did what I thought was the right thing to do," Allura replied.

"The right thing? Bitch, you could've just talked to me. I'm an honest person. Hell, you found out I was Zarkon's daughter from mice. Don't get me wrong, I love animals, but mice!" You exclaimed, "While I don't blame you for distrusting the Galra, don't automatically assume I'm with them just because I have Galra blood flowing me." You stared at her, eyes blazing.

"I've already saved you from their clutches, helped you defeat dozens of their fleets, and also fought that robeast. The least you could do is trust me," your voice lowered into a more stern voice. "I couldn't give less of a shit who you are. Don't expect me to respect you if you alienate or treat me like shit." 

Ja ne!

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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