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"It's strange. Being back here," you said from Lotor's side. The two of you were walking down the hall of the Galra Central Command Ship. "Now that I'm Emperor, and all."

"I believe we both lit the Kral Zera," Lotor replied, "We're both the emperors."

"Eh," you said flatly, shaking your hand is a so so manner. "Potato, potahto."

"No one says potahto."

"You have a British accent, yes you do."

"What is a British accent?"

"You have one."

"I'm talking normally."

"No you not--where did you learn that accent? Someone in your family from Britian? Or England?"

"... you truly are strange."

"Listen, this is a completely valid and reasonable conversation."

"What even is a potahto?"


"I'm speaking normally!"

You and Lotor stood in the hall outside the docking bay. The Paladins were supposed to arrive for a diplomatic visit. With two sentries on both yours and Lotor's side, and several others lining the hall, you all waited until the doors slid open.

"You think they're gonna be in awe?" You nudged him. "This place is pretty sweet."

"While your carefreeness is refreshing, don't forget we still have a lot of work to do," Lotor replied. You poked him in the side.

"You're too stiff," you said, "After that whole mess of a Kral Zera, being a little looser than normal doesn't hurt."

"I suppose not, but we can't afford to slip up."

"I should've lit the Kral Zera by myself."

"The whole empire would've been doomed, then."

"WHY YOU LITTLE--" Right before you were about to strangle the life out of him, you heard the whirring of the dock bay doors. You quickly jumped off of him and put on an air of professionalism. The doors opened to reveal the Paladins.

"Thank you for my coming, friends," Lotor greeted from your side. "I have prepared a new imperial banner to herald our alliance." Your eye twitched.

'They were my friends first, bitch.'

"This is the same symbol that flew over our fathers when they worked together as the original Paladins of Voltron."
The others walked up deeper into the hallway.

"I hope that we can return the universe to that golden age."

"Since we ascended to the throne, the Galra Empire has torn apart," you spoke, "A good portion has sworn allegiance to us, but massive factions are still in revolt."

"Uh, okay, the Galra aren't exactly known to turn the other cheek," Hunk spoke.

"They're more likely to swing the other fist," Lance added.

"How do you get an empire that's only known violence for thousands of years to put down their weapons?" Shiro asked.

"By providing them with the very thing they're fighting for," Lotor replied, "Quintessence. Unlimited amounts of it. And Allura." He turned his gaze to her.

"You are the key to getting it."

"I'm sure you're all revving to explore every inch of the Galra Headquarters," you said.

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