Impulsive, hot-blooded she-devil

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Allura was keeping the wormholes open, Coran was busy doing whatever, and you were helping putting the defenses up, and P/n was chasing her tail.

"Where did you learn to do this?"

"GAH—FUCK!!!" You spazzed, stumbling over yourself.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" Keith asked, tilting his head.

"Oh no, not at all. Just one of my daily heart attacks," you replied, standing up and resuming what you were doing.

"How are you... able to read all this?" He asked from over your shoulder. You let out a quiet sigh.

"I told y'all, I have a knack for certain things," you replied.

"I heard you talked back to Commander Iverson," he suddenly said, leaning on the control panel and crossing his arms.

"Lance tell you?" You inquired. He nodded.

"Yeah," he replied. You shrugged and stood up straighter.

"He should've seen that coming. I was, quote unquote, an 'impulsive, hot-blooded, she-devil'," You replied, quoting the air. Keith hummed.

"Yeah, I can see why," he said with a tiny smirk. You rolled your eyes.

"You're not the most even-tempered person, either," you retorted, "... is it true you have a glove kink?"


You two looked at each other before you laughed and resumed what you were doing. He stared at you for a few more seconds before turning his head back around.

Pidge, Shiro, Lance, and Hunk returned from retrieving the Yellow and Green Lion. 

"Where's Y/n?" Shiro asked.

"She's outside. She wanted some fresh air," Coran replied.

With chu~

"Is this a good idea P/n?" You asked, sitting down on the grass, running your fingers through the blades of green lettuce. P/n howled a little and placed her head on your lap, a little bigger in size. "How will they react? A Galra ship is headed here right now. What if they recognize me?"You petted her head. P/n whimpered slightly and grew in size, lying across your lap.

"Yeah, I know. I'm afraid our little fun time here will end soon. It depends," you replied softly with P/n whimpering slightly. You sighed and looked up at the sky. "I'll have to face him sooner or later..."

Your thoughts were interrupted again. You snapped your head around and saw Shiro standing behind you.

"What's up?" You asked, picking up P/n and lying her down on the ground.

"Suit up, we're going into battle," Shiro replied. You stood up and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be with you," you replied, looking back towards the sky.

"Y/n? Is something wrong?" Shiro asked. A moment passed by before you shook your head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." You replied, looking back down at him. He nodded, not wanting to pry.

"Shiro, where is Y/n? I thought she'd be here by now," Hunk asked after he put on his Paladin armor.

"I don't know. I assumed she was right behind me," Shiro replied.

"Don't worry, the queen has arrived, settle down," your voice echoed. The four males and one female turned their heads towards you. All of their eyes widened at the sight of you.

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