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Edit: You survived, don't worry.

You all escorted the supply ships back to Olkarion after the defeat of the Galra cruisers and ships. The castle was landed on the planet, and all of you were in the control room, standing in the center of the room. Word was Keith was coming back soon. You let out a sigh and rubbed your face. From their expressions, they were going to grill him. He failed to show up to assist them, and before that, he was always late and got in trouble. Sooner than later, the door slid open, and Keith walked through it. He wasn't looking at you all when he walked in.

"Guys, I..." He stopped when he saw everyone's faces. The only one who didn't seem hostile or upset was you. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." He genuinely looked guilty.

"You keep saying you're sorry, but your actions say otherwise. Do you realize your absence put the entire team in jeopardy?" Allura growled at him. You grimaced slightly. There was nothing you could say in his defense.

"And not just the team, the refugees as well," Lance added.

"Matter of fact, the entire quadrant was in danger." Pidge rubbed salt into the wound. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes. Great. This was going great.

"This is not the way I wanted this to happen, but, if there's a bright side to any of this, it's that my absence allowed Shiro to reestablish his bond with the Black Lion," Keith spoke up. "He can finally be the leader I was unable to be. I'm not meant to pilot the Black Lion." 

"Is that why you've been pulling away from us?" Allura questioned.

"Yeah. I suppose that's part of it," he replied.

"What's the other part?" You inquired.

"The Blades have been making real headway tracking the source of this new quintessence," he began, "They've been able to piece together a large network of hidden supply lines that have been secretly transporting it for who knows how long. And there's good reason to believe it could lead us directly to Lotor." You pursed your lips. Keith lowered his head.

"A mission is being planned to infiltrate the supply line."
You perked up slightly at this.

"It could take weeks, maybe months to pull off, but... if there is a chance... we have..." He took a second to rephrase that sentence. "... I have to take it. I need to be on that mission." You bit the skin off of your lip.

"Shiro, you are the rightful leader of this team. And you proved it today by reconnecting with the Black Lion. It was always meant to be yours."
Shiro walked up to Keith and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Keith..." He said. Said boy raised his head to look at him. "If this is what you feel is right, then we won't try to stop you, but just know that we're here for you whenever you need us." A small smile appeared on Keith's face.

"I know you are. And I can't tell you how much that means to me." The two clasped hands before coming in for a bro hug. You and Hunk were hugging each other with tears in your eyes.

Soon enough, all of you were hugging Keith with you in the middle right next to Shiro. Half of them were sobbing.

"We're really gonna miss you," Pidge said from next to him.

"Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?" Lance asked from behind him.

"I know you'll make us proud," Allura said softly, despite yelling at him earlier. A few minutes passed and they all reluctantly let go of him. Coran was blowing his nose in a handkerchief while Hunk, who was crying, was hugging Lance. Keith looked back at all of you as he walked to the door that slid open. From where you were standing, you saw the smile on his face drop before he quickly turned. He walked out of the room, the door slowly closing behind him. Something was uneasy about that. With the purse of your lips, you quickly ran out of the room and into the hallway.

"Yo! Homefry!" You called out to him who was just at the end of the hallway. He turned around, obviously confused at your affectionate moniker. "You alright?" You caught up with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He inquired.

"Oh, well, you seemed to be... blah..."


"Yeah... like... you weren't happ," you explained with a sigh before ruffling your hair in frustration. "SHIT! I don't know how to say it!" You threw your hands up. Keith smiled lightly and reached out to grab your hand.

"I'm fine, Y/n. This is something I need to do. I'll be fine," he assured. You let out a sigh before lightly pouting at him.

"You suuuuuuure? Cause like... you don't have to go," you sang leaning in closer to him.

"Thanks for caring about me. I'm sure," he replied, slowly letting go of your hand—almost reluctantly. You stared at him. Long and hard (🌚).

"If you're totally, entirely, wholly, thoroughly, fully, utterly, absolutely, perfectly, unreservedly, unconditionally, quite, altogether, downright 100% sure, then..." You raised your arm and lightly pushed him back by poking his forehead with your fingers. "Stay alive. I'd still like to see your stupid face every once in a while." You smiled brightly at him. He blinked at you in surprise before returning your smile.

"I will. I promise."

You let out a deep breath and relaxed your shoulders, letting the tension fall from your body.

'Enter your Zone, Y/n. Let all worries wash away—' There was a series of knocks on your door. It broke your concentration.

"Yeppedoodledee?" You called out. The door slid open and Pidge was behind it. She was dressed in her Paladin armor. "What's shakin' bacon?" 

"I wanted to let you know I'm off. I found some good leads that might lead me to Matt and I need to act fast," she replied, adjusting her glasses.

"Oh, alright," you replied, "You need anyone to go with you?"

"Don't worry, I can handle this by myself," she smiled at you. You rose a brow.

"Alright, but if you come back injured, I'm gonna wait for you to heal then kick your ass."

"Glad to know you care about me."

"Always do."


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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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